upstairs - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of upstairs in Hindi


  • ऊपर को
  • कोठा संबंधी

upstairs Definition


  • on or to an upper floor of a building.


  • situated on an upper floor.


  • an upper floor.

upstairs Example

  • An upstairs bedroom ( एक ऊपर का बेडरूम )
  • She was cleaning the upstairs ( वह ऊपर की सफाई कर रही थी )
  • Is he, uh, all right upstairs?  ( क्या वह, उह, ठीक ऊपर है? )
  • They walked upstairs hand in hand. ( वे हाथ में हाथ डाले ऊपर चले गए। )

More Sentence

  • I thought he could stay in one of the rooms upstairs at night – if you don't mind.
  • There are three small rooms upstairs but we'll explain about them later.
  • The hall porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs, and turned away.
  • "Let's get you upstairs," he said to Sofia.
  • This morning I took a bath, and when teacher came upstairs to comb my hair she told me some very sad news which made me unhappy all day.
  • Then he stormed upstairs, where he retreated for an hour.
  • He was freed from his bonds and accompanied the robber upstairs.
  • He staggered upstairs to die in his wife's arms.
  • How about a small museum, with a few apartments upstairs?
  • That's me in my upstairs office trying to write.
  • I felt closer to the guys upstairs than I ever had.
  • He would have just stayed upstairs with me and sat around.
  • She could see and hear men in Gestapo uniform rush upstairs.
  • I found this broom closet upstairs, and I stepped in.
  • There was no time for Cynthia to talk to her husband, who was busy serving breakfast to the late sleepers while she showed Maria, by hand communication, the upstairs chores of Bird Song.
  • Easy as walking upstairs, almost.
  • I tiptoed upstairs