tired - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of tired in Hindi
- थका हुआ
- थका
- थका हुआ
- क्लांत
- शिथिल
- मांदा
- ग्लानिमय
- श्रांत
- परिश्रांत
- थका-मांदा
- टायर का
tired Definition
- in need of sleep or rest; weary.
tired Example
- she was tired out now that the strain was over ( वह अब थक गई थी कि तनाव खत्म हो गया था )
- Fisher rubbed his tired eyes ( फिशर ने अपनी थकी हुई आँखों को रगड़ा )
- I know you must be tired, so I will let you rest. ( मुझे पता है कि आप थके हुए होंगे, इसलिए मैं आपको आराम करने दूँगा। )
- The toddlers were both tired and cranky. ( बच्चे थके हुए और कर्कश दोनों थे। )
More Sentence
- She was so tired that she has fallen asleep on the sofa in my room.
- I think you must be tired, Princess.
- She wasn't actually tired, but reading was relaxing.
- You are tired--try to sleep.
- He was tired of being left out.
- He and his horse were both tired out.
- Joan was very tired of flirtation just then.
- The horses were tired out.
- He looked tired and thoughtful.
- Only they do get tired somehow.
- Pep was very tired and went to his cot to rest.
- The impure air makes them tired and ill.
- I'm tired of waiting.
- She was also tired of being afraid.
- Perhaps it's not so pristine, like most of this tired city.
- The doctor seemed tired and in a hurry.
- a few boxes of tired vegetables
- I have to look after these animals when you get tired of them
- tired clichés like the “information revolution.”