distasteful - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distasteful in Hindi

  • अप्रिय
  • अरुचिकर
  • अप्रीतिकर


  • अप्रिय
  • बेस्वाद
  • न स्र्चनेवाला

distasteful Definition


  • causing dislike or disgust; offensive; unpleasant.

distasteful Example

  • customers complained about the distasteful odor ( ग्राहकों ने की दुर्गंध की शिकायत  )
  • Kiera grimaced at the distasteful wording.  ( कीरा अरुचिकर शब्दों पर मुस्कराई। )
  • I have a rather distasteful job for you, he said. ( मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए एक बहुत ही अरुचिकर काम है, उन्होंने कहा। )
  • The smell of death was clear and as always, distasteful. ( मृत्यु की गंध स्पष्ट और हमेशा की तरह अरुचिकर थी। )
  • The doctor's talk was distasteful to the builder of railways. ( डॉक्टर की बात रेलवे के निर्माता से अरुचिकर थी। )

More Sentence

  • Amory had found the nickname distasteful when it first reached him.
  • He was well aware that he had let the distasteful parrot get to him.
  • The other clasped his daughter in a way that David found distasteful.
  • I could tell he was about to ask us to do something distasteful to him.
  • They just blocked out distasteful moments and setbacks and continued on.
  • I had thought this task was going to be onerous and distasteful but that.
  • He was pretty insistent about it, no matter how distasteful the contents.
  • The tariff was to him a distasteful subject, and he was governed in his attitude toward it largely by the wishes of the majority of his constituents.
  • In the Middle Kingdom these are gradually replaced by small models of the mummy itself, and the belief arose that when their owner was called upon to perform any distasteful work in the nether world, they would answer to his name and do the task for him.
  • He loved biography, literary history, the history of manners; but political history was positively distasteful to him.
  • These views were very distasteful to many, who, moreover, felt.
  • Some of these reforms were distasteful to the covenanted service and to the officers of the army, but Lord William was always staunchly supported by the court of directors and by the Whig ministry at home.
  • One could almost have fancied that what he was about to do was distasteful to him.
  • No words can tell how distasteful and repugnant was the task she had undertaken.
  • No, it was chiefly the matter of his discourse which had been distasteful to me.
  • Conditions most distasteful to negroes were exaggerated and given first prominence.
  • He must take the consequences of his own action however distasteful and disagreeable.
  • It is the sort of discomfort specially distasteful to the male portion of mankind.
  • The fact that she found intercourse with him more or less distasteful became a secondary matter.
  • His sharp tongue and peculiar faculty of quiet ridicule were particularly distasteful to her.
  • In the first place, the policy of Lord Dalhousie, exactly in proportion as it had been dictated by the most honourable considerations, was utterly distasteful to the native mind.
  • The candidate’s distasteful T.V. ad was used to bring down his opponent, but he ended up making himself look bad.  
  • Most of the people at the party found the music’s raunchy lyrics distasteful and asked that the DJ play something more appropriate.  
  • Finding parts of the book distasteful, the reader decided to choose a novel that was more pleasant to read.  
  • The trailer park’s overgrown grass and junked up yards look distasteful and should be cleaned up immediately.
  • He cared little for the law, regarding it simply as a distasteful means of livelihood, yet his experiments in writing did not encourage him to trust to this for support.
  • The match was distasteful to Lady Hatton and to her daughter; a violent quarrel was the consequence, and Bacon, who thought the proposed marriage most unsuitable, took Lady Hatton's part.
  • The idea of leaving England was distasteful, but pecuniary considerations had, in consequence of the failure of his father's firm in 1847, become of vital importance, and he accepted the post.