the prosection - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of the prosection in Hindi
- अभियोग
the prosection Definition
- he institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
- the continuation of a course of action with a view to its completion.
the prosection Example
- This prosecution finally discredited the new society. ( इस अभियोजन ने अंततः नए समाज को बदनाम किया। )
- On the death of Domitian and the accession of Nerva he delivered a speech (subsequently published) in prosecution of Publicius Certus, who had been foremost in the attack on Helvidius Priscus (ix. ( डोमिनिटियन की मृत्यु और नर्व के परिग्रहण पर उन्होंने पब्लिशियस सर्टस के अभियोजन में एक भाषण (बाद में प्रकाशित) दिया, जो हेल्विडियस प्रिस्कस (ix. )
- In 1830 the public began to be aroused to a serious prosecution of the main issue. (1830 में जनता को मुख्य मुद्दे के गंभीर अभियोजन के लिए जगाया जाने लगा। )
More Sentence
- A narrative of the circumstances which led to the prosecution of Evanson was published by N.
- The protection of naturalized citizens who, on return to their native land, were subject to prosecution on charges of disloyalty, enlisted his active interest and support, and the agitation, in which he was conspicuous, led to the treaty of 1870 between the United States and Great Britain, which placed adopted and native citizens on the same footing.
- It took several months for prosecution of thief to take place since the attorneys schedules never seemed to align.
- Prosecution of several innocent victims took place during the Salem witch trials, lead to the deaths of many after make-believe trials.
- Deciding against prosecution of the young mother was a tough call and brought on angry threats by those who felt she should be tried for neglect.
- The land lord threatened to pursue prosecution if the tenants did not pay the remaining rent balance on time.
- Owing to the numbers and activity of its institutions, both native and foreign, for the prosecution of research and the encouragement of classical studies, Athens has become Scientific once more an international seat of learning.
- Meanwhile the opposition parties openly allied themselves with the Yugoslav Club in Austria, which agitated for complete national unity, but saved itself from prosecution by occasional references to the dynasty and absolute silence regarding Serbia.
- Before the expiration of the nine days allowed for the prosecution Verres was on his way to Massilia.
- In 1861 the Mortara family induced the Italian government to demand the prosecution of the nurse.