supremacy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of supremacy in Hindi

  • प्रभुत्व
  • सर्वोच्चता
  • प्रधानता
  • प्रभुता
  • उच्चता
  • मुख्यता
  • सर्व-श्रेष्ठता

supremacy Definition


  • the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

supremacy Example

  • the supremacy of the king (राजा की सर्वोच्चता)  
  • The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister. (राष्ट्रपति प्रधान मंत्री पर अपने अंतिम वर्चस्व का दावा करने में सक्षम है। )
  • We have to be careful about asserting the supremacy of our moral standards on others.  (दूसरों पर अपने नैतिक मानकों की सर्वोच्चता का दावा करने के बारे में हमें सावधान रहना होगा।)
  • Assertion of her supremacy over the other members of the politburo was an essential step to confirming her position as heir-apparent. ( पोलित ब्यूरो के अन्य सदस्यों पर उसके वर्चस्व का दावा उत्तराधिकारी के रूप में उसकी स्थिति की पुष्टि करने के लिए एक आवश्यक कदम था। )

More Sentence

  • But after 1947, Nehru began to assert his supremacy and sack party chiefs who opposed him.
  • Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims.
  • The battle for political supremacy was thus carried over to the Congress itself.
  • Its soaring walls and towers are challenged for supremacy only by the purple mass of distant Snowdonia.
  • Republican constitutions had supremacy over laws adopted by the Supreme Soviet.
  • His general theme is that reason has supremacy over revelation.
  • Supremacy among them and the effective direction of imperial policy belonged to Prussia; the king of Prussia was Emperor.
  • He challenged not only white supremacy but the civil rights establishment.
  • In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.
  • Military supremacy is a top priority for elected government officials in our country.