stereotype - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of stereotype in Hindi
- टकसाली
- स्टीरियोटाइप
- रूढ़िबद्ध धारणा
- रूढ़ प्रारूप
- टकसाली
- स्टिरियोटाइप
- छपाई का प्लेट
- स्थिर नमूना
- ढले हुए टाइप की तख़्ती
- मुद्रण-फलक
- सांद्र-मुद्र
- घिसा-पिटा
stereotype Definition
- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
- a relief printing plate cast in a mold made from composed type or an original plate.
- view or represent as a stereotype.
stereotype Example
- don't treat anyone as a stereotype ( किसी को स्टीरियोटाइप न समझें )
- I try not to immediately stereotype and judge people based on their outward appearances. ( मैं कोशिश करता हूं कि लोगों को उनके बाहरी दिखावे के आधार पर तुरंत स्टीरियोटाइप और जज न करें। )
- Sid was quiet and thoughtful and did not conform to the typical stereotype for a teenage athlete. ( सिड शांत और विचारशील था और एक किशोर एथलीट के लिए विशिष्ट स्टीरियोटाइप के अनुरूप नहीं था। )
- In the same way that typical models should not sacrifice their health in order to fit the "waifish model" stereotype, larger models should exercise and eat well to maintain a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness. ( उसी तरह जिस तरह विशिष्ट मॉडल को "वाइफिश मॉडल" स्टीरियोटाइप में फिट होने के लिए अपने स्वास्थ्य का त्याग नहीं करना चाहिए, बड़े मॉडल को स्वस्थ जीवन शैली और शारीरिक फिटनेस बनाए रखने के लिए व्यायाम करना चाहिए और अच्छा खाना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- College students have a stereotype of wearing the pajamas to class, so why not embrace it?
- Southern racists usually have at least one negative stereotype about most nonwhite populations.
- In some areas of France, citizens accept the stereotype of Americans as rude and uncultured people.
- Many black critics are panning the hit show because they believe the program reinforces the stereotype of black people being vicious.
- In fact, New Jersey is more rural than most people realize despite its stereotype of urban and suburban sprawl.
- When the huge football player with the gruff voice introduced himself to me, he totally destroyed my stereotype of a wimpy homosexual.
- Contrary to the stereotype, using the Internet can be productive and spiritually fulfilling.
- These wardrobe items come with a stereotype that may threaten your child's popularity on the playground.
- But those involved in the sector say this is an outdated stereotype.
- In his machine the stereotype plates were not made to fill the whole periphery of the forme cylinders so as to allow of the sheets being cut before printing, a difficulty w'iich the first machines did not satisfactorily overcome.
- The old stereotype of a teenage boy hiding in his mother's basement with a video game controller in hand is a thing of the past.
- The first printing surface used was ordinary type, because the difficulty of curving the stereotype plates had not been surmounted.
- the stereotype of the woman as the carer