square root - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of square root in Hindi

  • वर्गमूल

square root Definition


  • a number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.

square root Example

  • 7 is a square root of 49 ( 7 49 . का वर्गमूल है )
  • 10 I each quantity in the left-hand column being the square root of the one above it, and each quantity in the right-hand column being the half In vol. ( 10 मैं बाएँ हाथ के स्तंभ में प्रत्येक मात्रा उसके ऊपर वाले का वर्गमूल है, और दाएँ हाथ के स्तंभ में प्रत्येक मात्रा आधी मात्रा में है। )
  • A very simple utility function is the square root. ( एक बहुत ही सरल उपयोगिता कार्य वर्गमूल है। )
  • This example returns the square root of a numeric literal. ( यह उदाहरण एक संख्यात्मक शाब्दिक का वर्गमूल देता है। )

More Sentence

  • But still, the square root function is not a transcendental function.
  • The only problem is the lack of a square root button.
  • The Ampere is proportional to the square root of the kilogram.
  • Note that scriptstyle Q is also a square root of unity.
  • Standard deviation, in turn, is the square root of the variance.
  • You cant do square root or any thing important like that.
  • By convention, is used to denote the positive square root of.
  • The frequency is proportional to the square root of the tension:.
  • So does that leaves me with v = square root of 2gh?.
  • Then, common imaging point gathers in offset domain were respectively extracted based on a single square root operator and double square root operator wave equation migration.
  • Since the current passing through the balance when equilibrium is obtained with a given weight is proportional to the square root of the couple due to this weight, it follows that the current strength when equilibrium is obtained is proportional to the product of the square root of the weight used and the square root of the displacement distance of this weight from its zero position.
  • The square root he denoted by (j), whereas Paciolus, Cardan and others used the letter R.
  • In the case of an axial moment, the square root of the resulting mean square is called the radius of gyration of the system about the axis in question.
  • The scale of that map, as determined by the equator or centre meridian, we will suppose to be i: 125,000,000, while the encircling meridian indicates a scale of i: 80,000,000; and a " mean " scale, equal to the square root of the proportion which the area of the map bears to the actual area of a hemisphere, is r: 112,000,000.