sink - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of sink in Hindi

  • सिंक
  • परनाला
  • गढ़ा
  • ग़ार


  • डूबना
  • अस्त होना
  • खोदकर बनाना
  • मूल्य में कमी आना
  • छिपना
  • डूबोना
  • (जल) मग्न होना
  • हौदी
  • क्षीण होना
  • कुण्ड

sink Definition


  • go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid; become submerged. ( किसी चीज़ की सतह से नीचे जाना, विशेष रूप से किसी तरल पदार्थ के नीचे; जलमग्न हो जाना। )
  • descend; drop. ( उतरना; ड्रॉप। )
  • gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity. ( मूल्य, राशि, गुणवत्ता या तीव्रता में धीरे-धीरे कमी या गिरावट। )
  • insert beneath a surface by digging or hollowing out. ( खुदाई या खोखला करके सतह के नीचे डालें। )


  • a fixed basin with a water supply and a drain. ( पानी की आपूर्ति और नाली के साथ एक निश्चित बेसिन। )
  • a pool or marsh in which a river's water disappears by evaporation or percolation. ( एक पूल या दलदल जिसमें एक नदी का पानी वाष्पीकरण या छिद्र द्वारा गायब हो जाता है। )
  • a place of vice or corruption. ( उपाध्यक्ष या भ्रष्टाचार का स्थान। )

sink Example

  • There's nothing your native Korean likes better than to sink his teeth into a dog, a reversal of the age-old trend. ( वहाँ कुछ भी नहीं है अपने मूल कोरियाई एक कुत्ते में अपने दाँत सिंक करने के लिए बेहतर है, सदियों पुरानी प्रवृत्ति का उलटा। )
  • I tried to sink a little bit deeper in my chair, hoping no one would see me. ( मैंने अपनी कुर्सी पर थोड़ी गहराई से डूबने की कोशिश की, उम्मीद है कि कोई भी मुझे नहीं देखेगा। )
  • I sighed deeply, letting my body sink down into the comforter, too fatigued to try and appear in control in all the ways I clearly wasn't. ( मैंने गहराई से आहें भरते हुए, अपने शरीर को दिलासा देने वाले के रूप में डूबने दिया, बहुत कोशिश की और उन सभी तरीकों से नियंत्रण में दिखाई दिया जो मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से नहीं थे। )
  • One wonders how many of Sharp's critics today would be prepared to sink their own prejudices and defy political correctness in order to do so. ( ऐसा लगता है कि शार्प के कितने आलोचक आज अपने पूर्वाग्रहों को डुबोने के लिए तैयार होंगे और ऐसा करने के लिए राजनीतिक शुद्धता को धता बताएंगे। )

More Sentence

  • Also, when doing activities such as rinsing vegetables or shaving, half fill the sink or basin instead of letting the water run.
  • A plastic basin in the sink collects washing-up water and other water used.
  • We had a bloom a couple of years ago in Jervis Bay, NSW so we know that they can be very abundant and in the oceans they're actually the major sink for carbon dioxide.
  • As it started to sink below the horizon, it cast a fiery, golden glow over all the land.
  • He pushed his chair out from the table, took his bowl to the sink and ran some water into it.
  • Beside the toilet is a tiny sink with a basin so small my two hands are just able to fit under it.
  • she apparently wishes to sink the company
  • He turned and left with the bottle on the sink counter and the basin in hand.
  • Subsequently, the two managed to sink their differences.
  • She had to beat him during a highly-charged tussle at Glasgow's Braehead Area to qualify for the opportunity to sink the opposition in Bismarck.
  • They must sleep in complete darkness, so many vampires go to graveyards or simply sink into the ground, to rise again when the sun sets.
  • I let my body sink into the bed
  • He leaned over the sink basin, and washed his hands and face with icy water, and then looked up at his face in the mirror.
  • he saw the coffin sink below the surface of the waves
  • You want to sink into oblivion, and you can't find a way.
  • the oceans can act as a sink for CO 2
  • a heat sink
  • Peyton stated as she saw the clothes and hair supplies by the sink .
  • Slowly, the rock they stood on began to sink below the rest of the ground.
  • Exhale and empty your lungs as much as possible, and you sink below the surface.
  • Different feeds are also being tried: some are designed for feeding on or near the surface, others slowly sink toward the bottom of the cages.
  • Even if it rains the entire time, it won't totally sink your plans.
  • Whether or not you agree with the film's conclusions, you are sure to feel more honest with yourself on your decision on whether to sink your teeth into a beef or vegetarian patty if you attend the screening and participate in the debate.
  • Although it had enjoyed a brief flourishing under Cardinal Richelieu in the 1630s, Mazarin had allowed the navy to sink into decay.
  • They've seen the value of their investments sink - so why would they put good money after bad?
  • don't sink to such bad language