setback - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of setback in Hindi
- नाकामयाबी
- बाधा
- रोक
- विघ्न
- असफलता
- नाकामयाबी
- देर
- स्र्कावट
- विलंब
- घटाव
- गिरना
- पीछे हटाना
setback Definition
- a reversal or check in progress.
- a plain, flat offset in a wall.
setback Example
- Untimely Illnesses. I got food poisoning the day before a final and couldn't study for it because I was so sick. ( असमय बीमारियाँ। फ़ाइनल से एक दिन पहले मुझे फ़ूड पॉइज़निंग हो गई थी और मैं इसके लिए अध्ययन नहीं कर सका क्योंकि मैं बहुत बीमार था। )
- The disruption of war was just one setback. ( युद्ध का विघटन सिर्फ एक झटका था। )
- The first major setback occurred on the western front.( पश्चिमी मोर्चे पर पहला बड़ा झटका लगा। )
- Yet despite the initial optimism surrounding it, the commission almost immediately suffered setbacks. ( फिर भी इसके आस-पास के प्रारंभिक आशावाद के बावजूद, आयोग को लगभग तुरंत ही झटका लगा। )
More Sentence
- Our exploration of these new techniques has not been without its setbacks.
- Yet despite the initial optimism surrounding it, the commission almost immediately suffered setbacks.
- automatic scheduled adjustment to a lower temperature setting of a thermostat.
- Failure. Right when I started college, I knew I wanted to work in magazines.
- David Palmer has had a very serious setback to his career.
- “You don’t stop fighting because of a setback, even this one. If anything, it’s a reason to keep going.”
- If relapse should happen, don't think you can't quit; it's just a temporary setback.
- We are suffering a setback but we have not been beaten.
- The injuries, he added, had been only a temporary setback.
- the distance of a structure or other feature (such as a well or septic system) from the property line or other feature.
- There is very little attention for inconsistencies, contradictions or setbacks as result of power struggles within governments\conservation bureaucracies.
- Despite the inevitable setbacks, 1919 would be a year of incredible progress.
- A Super-Demanding Bossv