sassy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of sassy in Hindi

  • ज़िंदादिल
  • ससि 

sassy Definition

  • lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky. ( जीवंत, बोल्ड और भावना से भरा; मुखर। )

sassy Example

  • She manages a brash, confident, and sassy manner that works well in the part, but is not overdone to the point of being unwelcome.
  • She was smart, sassy and beautiful - and there has never been a voice to equal hers on the pop music scene.
  • Smart and sassy becomes smarmy and crass at the touch of the middlebrow.
  • Pop songs sung by female teen vocalists became associated with sassy dance moves and flashy midriffs.
  • She was smart, cute, sassy , and I fell for her fast - a once in a lifetime whirlwind romance, you know?
  • The film is smart, sassy , and thoroughly enjoyable, and features one of the most endearing and believable characters to grace the screen this year.
  • It has a cutting-edge modernity and sassy , youthful energy.
  • This pig-tailed cutie grew up to be a sassy , soul-singing beauty.
  • Toni, her best friend, was smart and sassy , liked to pretend she was a hard nut, though underneath it all, she was a hopeless romantic.
  • Here we have a mother and daughter duo with tight clothes and sassy attitudes who are forever searching for men.
  • In other words this is sassy , bold, sophisticated cooking.
  • She was career-orientated, she was smart, she was sassy and confident.
  • Taureans can be as wild and sassy , bad and brilliant, fast and smart as anyone when they care to.
  • With a smart, sassy script and a winning lead performance, the film is virtually impossible to dislike.
  • Hazel is an English rose who is graceful, elegant and sassy .
  • She took a few sassy steps forward and then stopped in the middle of the space between them all.
  • Her vocals are alternately sassy , playful and scolding, though they always retain a composure that makes them more detached than outrightly emotional.
  • I think you'll really like this girl - she's smart, sophisticated, and sassy - but not too sassy .
  • It's funny, it's smart, it's endearing and it's a little sassy too.
  • The sets and atmosphere are dingy, with performers dressed in jeans and sneakers and leather jackets, and conveying a sassy , modern manner in their characters' persona.
  • ‘I'm trying to be lady-like and not stuff my face like you heathens,’ I replied sassily .
  • Only Clair was in the room, standing in front of me, her arms folded sassily , her cold, brown eyes narrowed at me.
  • ‘It's like everywhere else: certain kinds of music become fashionable, so everybody goes out and buys it,’ she remarks sassily .
  • I guess I want to see less sassiness and more good art, which they are thankfully in the business of making.
  • There was a freshness and sassiness to the production - a sense that the film-makers were thumbing their noses at serious action movies by juicing up the admittedly silly premise of a '70s girl-power TV show.
  • Every now and then you still get a glimpse of the old frontier sassiness .
  • I've learnt a lot from it, for example my posture is better and I walk with some sassiness in my step!
  • They are only in their 20s and there's a freshness and sassiness in their art.
  • She just flipped her long blonde curls sassily and flirted her ocean blue eyes, which were framed by long, mascaraed eyelashes.
  • She kept on talking at me about something I had done wrong, and I spoke up sassily .