psycho - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of psycho in Hindi
- मनोविश्लेषक
- मानसिक
- (समास में) मन या आत्मा संबंधी
psycho Definition
- psychopathic.
- a psychopath.
psycho Example
- What kind of psycho are you? ( आप किस तरह के साइको हैं? )
- She thought of the movie Psycho and immediately wished she had never watched it. ( उसने साइको फिल्म के बारे में सोचा और तुरंत चाहा कि उसने इसे कभी नहीं देखा। )
- Isn’t that sweet? A psycho killer has a crush on me. ( क्या यह मीठा नहीं है? एक साइको किलर का मुझ पर क्रश है। )
- In words that the rest of us understand, he's a psycho. ( जिन शब्दों में हममें से बाकी लोग समझते हैं, वह एक साइको है। )
More Sentence
- We heard that some psycho had tried to eat his face off.
- Touching, huh, Alex? Our psycho hit man has a soft spot.
- It was then that the young man went a little psycho on me.
- Lightning flashed like a scene from " Psycho ".
- "He's a psycho, man,"
- Pauldine speaks again : " I do psycho-calisthenics.
- He acts like a drunk, a zombie, a psycho.
- "My nickname was ` Psycho'in New York.
- "It's very much a psycho-thriller.
- Though not in the class of " Psycho,"
- Don Cheadle is Snoop, the psycho they know from prison.
- It's difficult to see psycho in a sentence .
- For one thing, a psycho case like her couldn’t be trusted.
- You don’t know Gally, but he’s a psycho kid who ran away.
- She also thought then about the fingers that psycho had cut off.
- That’s what the psycho who took his eggs wanted to him to prove.
- He seemed nice but there was more than a hint of psycho about him.
- I'm convinced she had to be at that dive bar with her psycho father.
- Deidre frowned, disturbed by the idea of some psycho hurting the girl.
- The answer to that one is Psycho, by the way.
- I have enough problems with psycho Immortal demon jackasses.