province - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of province in Hindi
- प्रांत
- प्रदेश
- देश
- सूबा
- कार्यक्षेत्र
- कर्तव्य
- प्रान्त
province Definition
- a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires.
- an area of special knowledge, interest, or responsibility.
province Example
- she knew little about wine—that had been her father's province ( वह शराब के बारे में बहुत कम जानती थी—वह उसके पिता का प्रांत था )
- Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period. ( पुनर्जागरण कला वास्तव में उसका प्रांत नहीं है - वह आधुनिक काल में माहिर है। )
- Modern abstract art is outside my province. ( आधुनिक अमूर्त कला मेरे प्रांत के बाहर है। )
- Australia is the province of the Kangaroo. ( ऑस्ट्रेलिया कंगारू प्रांत है। )
More Sentence
- The province is nominally independent.
- In 1707 he was superseded in the Volgan provinces by Andrei Matvyeev.
- Several of our young men have already been taken into the colleges of the provinces of the north.
- The provinces are divided into cantons and subdivided into communes.
- As the individual towns, their tribute requirements, or the imperial status of the provinces changed over time, the document could be modified accordingly.
- Cattle and sheep are produced in large numbers in some of the provinces, while in others mining forms the chief industry.
- Although most of the country was safe, the southernmost province seemed to be filled with extremist groups.
- While much of the nation was unscathed, aftershocks ravaged the province where the earthquakes occurred.
- We consider ourselves residents of an extremely safe area since only one has homicide occurred in our province this year.
- The Canadian province of Quebec has the greatest population of any Canadian region.
- 3 Egypt was the last of the Mediterranean provinces to be won, and here no defence was made.
- The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated.
- Roads and railways artery every province.
- Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks.
- Guerrilla groups are active in the province.
- Medieval painting is not his province.
- Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.
- He established himself as governor of the province.
- Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers.
- Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province.
- Marketing is within the province of the sales department.
- Such decisions are normally the province of higher management.
- Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province