prominent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of prominent in Hindi

  • प्रमुख


  • मुख्य
  • प्रसिद्ध
  • महत्त्वपूर्ण
  • प्रधान
  • विशिष्ठ
  • उन्नत
  • बाहर निकला हुआ
  • रूमुख

prominent Definition


  • important; famous.
  • projecting from something; protuberant.
  • situated so as to catch the attention; noticeable.

prominent Example

  • the new housing developments are prominent landmarks ( नए आवास विकास प्रमुख स्थलचिह्न हैं )
  • a man with big, prominent eyes like a lobster's ( झींगा मछली की तरह बड़ी, उभरी हुई आँखों वाला आदमी )
  • He named two or three prominent lawyers Dean knew. ( उन्होंने दो या तीन प्रमुख वकीलों का नाम लिया जिन्हें डीन जानते थे। )
  • His ancestor, Richard Seymour, a Protestant Episcopal ` clergyman, was an early settler at Hartford, Connecticut, and his father, Henry Seymour, who removed from Connecticut to New York, was prominent in the Democratic party in the state, being a member of the "Albany Regency" and serving as state senator in1816-1819and in 1822, and as canal commissioner in 1819-1831. ( उनके पूर्वज, रिचर्ड सीमोर, एक प्रोटेस्टेंट एपिस्कोपल 'पादरी, हार्टफोर्ड, कनेक्टिकट में एक प्रारंभिक बसने वाले थे, और उनके पिता, हेनरी सीमोर, जो कनेक्टिकट से न्यूयॉर्क चले गए थे, राज्य में डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी में प्रमुख थे, एक सदस्य होने के नाते "अल्बानी रीजेंसी" और 1816-1819 में राज्य सीनेटर के रूप में और 1822 में, और 1819-1831 में नहर आयुक्त के रूप में सेवारत। )  

More Sentence

  • Among other prominent buildings are the court house, the post office and the city hall.
  • The men are prominent figures where they.
  • Tolung, into the prominent Gaykhasa family.
  • The elven ring was prominent upon her horn.
  • It seemed that they were prominent heroes.
  • The most prominent of these is the finances.
  • A prominent member of your church, Sebastian.
  • But mine are rather more prominent than most.
  • Prominent among this group was the Pima tribe.
  • The houses of prominent people – fol owers.
  • Large eyes and a thin, slightly prominent nose.
  • Unknown to the police and the public, her prominent father was molesting her while her mother looked away.
  • Ears of moderate size, prominent and obtusely pointed.
  • I was surprised the FBI didn't press us on some of these more prominent cases.
  • The dim instrument panel light revealed a strong profile with an aquiline nose and prominent cheekbones.
  • In Plato's thought the belief held a prominent position.
  • Why, because he is the son of a prominent family doctor?
  • There were several prominent Boston physicians among them.
  • she was a prominent member of the city council