primitive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of primitive in Hindi

  • प्राचीन
  • आदिम
  • प्राथमिक
  • मौलिक
  • असभ्य
  • अनगढ़
  • आद्य
  • आदिकालीन

primitive Definition


  • relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something. ( किसी चीज़ के विकास या ऐतिहासिक विकास में एक प्रारंभिक अवस्था के चरित्र से संबंधित, उसे चिह्नित करना, या संरक्षित करना। )
  • not developed or derived from anything else. ( विकसित या किसी और चीज़ से उत्पन्न नहीं। )
  • (of a part or structure) in the first or early stage of formation or growth; rudimentary. ( (एक भाग या संरचना का) गठन या वृद्धि के पहले या शुरुआती चरण में; अल्पविकसित। )


  • a person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture. ( एक पूर्वगामी, गैर-औद्योगिक समाज या संस्कृति से संबंधित व्यक्ति। )
  • a pre-Renaissance painter. ( एक पूर्व-पुनर्जागरण चित्रकार। )
  • a word, base, or root from which another is historically derived. ( एक शब्द, आधार, या जड़ जिसमें से एक और ऐतिहासिक रूप से व्युत्पन्न है। )

primitive Example

  • Some social theorists such as Marx viewed slavery as a necessary but primitive stage in the evolution of human institutions despite it being inherently wasteful and inefficient. ( मार्क्स जैसे कुछ सामाजिक सिद्धांतकारों ने मानवीय संस्थानों के विकास में एक आवश्यक, लेकिन आदिम अवस्था के रूप में दासता को देखा, इसके बावजूद यह स्वाभाविक रूप से बेकार और अक्षम है। )
  • Air-breathing in fish is, in fact, a primitive character of all osteichthyans. ( मछली में वायु-श्वास, वास्तव में, सभी अस्थिकारों का एक आदिम चरित्र है। )
  • Such relatively primitive methods have now been overtaken by vastly enhanced possibilities for computational analysis. ( कम्प्यूटेशनल विश्लेषण के लिए इस तरह के अपेक्षाकृत आदिम तरीके अब काफी हद तक बढ़ गए हैं। )
  • They constitute the primitive elements out of which the world is constituted. ( वे उन आदिम तत्वों का गठन करते हैं जिनमें से दुनिया का गठन किया जाता है। )
  • What such views have in common is the conviction that the notion of something's persisting through time is ultimately primitive and irreducible. ( आम तौर पर इस तरह के विचार क्या दृढ़ विश्वास है कि समय के माध्यम से किसी चीज की दृढ़ता की धारणा अंततः आदिम और अप्रासंगिक है। )

More Sentence

  • Yet the system of thought he espoused was not primitive , historical or fundamentalist, but rather thoroughly contemporary.
  • The evolutionarily primitive aspect of emotion helps to explain its power to disrupt thinking.
  • Proponents of the multiregional theory consider Neanderthals as an earlier primitive stage in the development of modern Europeans.
  • Symbols of science, art and magic can be found in primitive cave paintings in France.
  • At the same time, he was a self-taught, strongly independent painter who considered himself a primitive .
  • However, once again the incomplete nature of the fossil record causes problems and can result in more primitive members of a taxon being preserved at a higher stratigraphical level than more advanced forms.
  • And a mouse with only one button and no wheel seems somewhat primitive to me now.
  • Many are made of primitive materials, such as rocky minerals and flecks of metal, from which it is believed the planets were made.
  • Tick those triangles that are primitive and out a cross by those which are multiples (of a primitive triangle).
  • In other words, such demonstrations of ingenuity can be a powerful argument against the idea that ancient man was a less-evolved primitive .
  • He studied primitive permutation groups and proved a finiteness theorem.
  • The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
  • For the first time in so much time, she tasted the authentic almost primitive happiness.
  • It was painted from notes she made while traveling in the district, and is a summation of her landscape style and ideals which often ended in a form of primitive cubism.
  • The dog grimaced harshly, a cringe that did not suggest primitive fear as much as painful recollection.
  • And yet any sort of ignorance of first or primitive names involves an ignorance of secondary words; for they can only be explained by the primary.
  • As people banded together to constitute primitive societies thousands of years ago, the first major form of organization to emerge was the tribe.
  • Matisse was not one to rest on his laurels, and he continued studying various styles including primitive art, and the work of painters in other disciplines.
  • As a social problem, this tendency is unmasked by the realist, who assists the native to develop beyond this stage of primitive fetishism.
  • There was frost one morning not long ago, but when I reached out to touch it in primitive awe it was gone.
  • Nouns fall into three major groups: the basic or " primitive " nouns, noun compounds, and nouns formed from verbs.
  • As Toynbee observed, the Greek gods were thus made in the image of barbarian man - a primitive who has been drawn into an encounter with a decadent civilisation and adopted the worst customs of both worlds.
  • She discovered that I didn't revert to ballet steps, but with primitive glee made wild, exuberant jumps when we danced to Offenbach's Gaite Parisienne.
  • Pakicetus is so far known only from its skull, but recent finds in Pakistan have produced other whale species that show very primitive characters in both the skull and the rest of the skeleton.
  • Internet organization is still rather primitive , but search engines are looking for ways to minimize the effectiveness of these link exchanges.