plenty - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of plenty in Hindi
- खूब
- बहुतायत
- समृद्धि
- प्रचुरता
- प्राचुर्य
- श्री
- adverb
- निहायत
- बिलकुल
- अत्यंत
- अति
- पर्याप्तता
- नितांत
- बहुलता
plenty Definition
- a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough.
- a situation in which food and other necessities are available in sufficiently large quantities.
- used to emphasize the degree of something.
plenty Example
- you'll have plenty to keep you busy ( आपको व्यस्त रखने के लिए आपके पास बहुत कुछ होगा )
- there was plenty room ( बहुत जगह थी )
- such natural phenomena as famine and plenty ( अकाल और बहुतायत जैसी प्राकृतिक घटनाएं phenomena )
- I would have plenty of time to get home ( बहुत जगह थी )
- she has plenty more ideas ( उसके पास और भी बहुत से विचार हैं )