perhaps - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of perhaps in Hindi

  • शायद
  • हो सकता है
  • मुमकिन है
  • संभवतः
  • संयोग से
  • कदाचित

perhaps Definition

  • used to express uncertainty or possibility. ( अनिश्चितता या संभावना व्यक्त करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )

perhaps Example

  • However, it tends to be lax in dealing with matters that are perhaps a bit more important. ( हालाँकि, यह उन मामलों से निपटने में ढिलाई देता है जो शायद थोड़ा अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हैं। )
  • We have perhaps not seen the definitive version of the car yet - and certainly not of the engine. ( हमने अभी तक कार का निश्चित संस्करण नहीं देखा है - और निश्चित रूप से इंजन का नहीं। )
  • We might perhaps get on better if we looked at the Act rather than at press releases. ( यदि हम प्रेस विज्ञप्ति के बजाय अधिनियम को देखते तो शायद हम बेहतर हो सकते थे। )
  • We were going to suggest perhaps a date early in May for the plaintiffs and early in June for us. ( हम शायद वादी के लिए मई की शुरुआत में और हमारे लिए जून की शुरुआत में एक तारीख का सुझाव देने जा रहे थे। )
  • The word lug is Scandinavian in origin so perhaps there is a bit of Viking left in all of us. ( लूग शब्द मूल रूप से स्कैंडिनेवियाई है इसलिए शायद हम सभी में वाइकिंग का थोड़ा अंश बचा है। )

More Sentence

  • I suggested that perhaps he could go to the dog track with his uncle and take a chance.
  • That letter led, perhaps not surprisingly, to the launch of these proceedings.
  • perhaps it needs a bit more sugar?
  • Ahead I see it, a sea tree, perhaps the first ever to be observed by a diver.
  • I suggest, perhaps , that he was grappling with the one thing we all had a sense of.
  • one day perhaps!
  • Anyway, once they tax us, perhaps we'll be bit more moderate about our plastic bag habit.
  • Like most people in the town he is, surprisingly perhaps , proud of the monkey business.
  • It was time to learn just who that other man was, and perhaps what sort of task he had been requested to perform.
  • I feel like I've been drifting a bit, perhaps sitting back and taking it all in too much.
  • We passed the ball a little bit but perhaps not as much as the manager would have liked.
  • Surprisingly, perhaps , they have decided to enrol the children in local schools.
  • If it were enclosed enough to offer any protection, then perhaps it could be described as a walkway.
  • This part of the original story is translated surprisingly literally, perhaps even too much so.
  • He suggests that perhaps I get together a group of friends and buy the horse as a syndicate.
  • The level of their club football perhaps drops a wee bit because of that so they have to counteract that now.
  • The game is said to be good for two players as well as maybe four and perhaps as many as five can play it.
  • Just for the record, I am not brave, perhaps a bit foolhardy, and just as scared of dying as the next man.
  • It would simply give someone else the power to pay bills, perhaps for a credit card, from their account.
  • Ally that with a network of buses going to the hospital and perhaps a bit of the dreadful congestion might be eased.
  • So I shall have a look at the tonics on offer and perhaps get her something to try and buck her up a bit.
  • There are a lot of interactive exhibits and perhaps it is a bit too modern.
  • perhaps we could meet up?
  • We certainly enjoy our freedom, perhaps even taking a bit of pride in our defence of the right of conscience.
  • At the same time, it would be perhaps a bit rash to suppose that much smaller surfaces would fail to be flat as well.