occupation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of occupation in Hindi
- नौकरी
- पेशा
- कब्जे
- व्यवसाय
- आधिपत्य
- दखल
- उपजीविका
- धन्धा
- क़ब्ज़ा
- आक्रमण
- ओहदा
- वर्तन
- ओक्यूपेशन
occupation Definition
- a job or profession. ( नौकरी या पेशा। )
- the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force. ( सैन्य बल के कब्जे या कब्जे की कार्रवाई, राज्य या अवधि। )
- the action or fact of living in or using a building or other place. ( किसी भवन या अन्य स्थान पर रहने या उपयोग करने की क्रिया या तथ्य। )
occupation Example
- You see, floating on the river is my occupation , but winter is a rough time on the water. ( आप देखते हैं, नदी पर तैरना मेरा पेशा है, लेकिन सर्दियों में पानी पर एक कठिन समय होता है। )
- All the units have around 102 square metres of living space and will be ready for occupation by July. ( सभी इकाइयों में लगभग 102 वर्ग मीटर का रहने का स्थान है और जुलाई तक कब्जे के लिए तैयार हो जाएगा। )
- Now the brothers' passion for sport is a full-time occupation . ( अब भाइयों का खेल के प्रति जुनून एक पूर्णकालिक व्यवसाय है। )
More Sentence
- Consider your occupation - banker or entertainer - and lifestyle before you select a suit style.
- the workers remained in occupation until October 16
- Another 20 workers remain in occupation of a nearby M & S branch.
- Yet Makiya always opposed a protracted American military occupation .
- There is a reason why only 6 % of his country supports our occupation of this faraway land.
- Only in 1994 was he briefly restored to power through a US military occupation of the country.
- An occasional occupation as a fishing guide does not pay enough, Campbell commented as an after-thought.
- his prime occupation was as editor
- He demanded that occupation troops surrender themselves and their weapons.
- the Roman occupation of Britain
- Are those attacks escalating because of religious fervor or because of occupation of homelands by foreign forces?
- His payslips would state his occupation as something harmless and meaningless, like KGB agent.
- In any case, keeping tabs on the crashes has been pretty much a full-time occupation over the past week.
- Tendonitis, which is associated with an occupation or a sport, is otherwise known as overuse injury or repetitive strain injury.
- The Soviets locked him up during their occupation in the 1980s.
- the Nazi occupation
- The workers began the occupation on June 22.
- a property suitable for occupation by older people
- Only Dalton's mother resists the enveloping gloom by taking part in a factory occupation .
- Many families living in the borough are in need of more suitable homes and unlawful occupation is stopping them from moving.
- She told me that builders have to notify their local council when a property is completed and ready for occupation .
- Meanwhile the poachers had time to gather up their nets and other implements used in the pursuit of their nefarious occupation .
- Mr Mason and his staff have worked through the half term break to prepare the new building for occupation on Monday.
- One is a tax on property occupation , the other a supplementary tax on travel.
- To his own mind, however, his real occupation was not the pursuit of wealth but the opening of souls.
- As hundreds of Gama workers continued their 10-day occupation of Dublin building sites last night, the company again denied all allegations against it.
- On my visa I always put my occupation as ‘entertainer’.