broccoli - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of broccoli in Hindi
- ब्रोकोली
- ब्रोक्कोली
- ब्रॉकोली
broccoli Definition
- a cabbage of a variety similar to the cauliflower, bearing heads of green or purplish flower buds. It is widely cultivated as a vegetable. ( फूलगोभी के समान एक किस्म की गोभी, हरे या बैंगनी फूलों की कलियों के सिर। इसकी व्यापक रूप से सब्जी के रूप में खेती की जाती है। )
broccoli Example
- Italian green sprouting or Calabrese broccoli is the most commonly grown heirloom type. ( इटैलियन ग्रीन स्प्राउटिंग या कैलाबेरी ब्रोकोली सबसे अधिक उगाया जाने वाला हीरलूम प्रकार है। )
- Plant seed for broccoli , cauliflower and cabbage transplants through mid-August. ( अगस्त के माध्यम से ब्रोकोली, फूलगोभी और गोभी प्रत्यारोपण के लिए पौधे के बीज। )
- Lettuce is, for me, a pain in the neck if it must be done by hand; so are radishes, broccoli , and most herbs. ( लेट्यूस है, मेरे लिए, गर्दन में दर्द अगर यह हाथ से किया जाना चाहिए; इसलिए मूली, ब्रोकोली और अधिकांश जड़ी-बूटियां हैं। )
- On our small plot we are plagued by onion mildew and club root; we can no longer grow onions, leeks, cabbages or broccoli . ( हमारे छोटे भूखंड पर हम प्याज फफूंदी और क्लब रूट से ग्रस्त हैं; हम अब प्याज, लीक, गोभी या ब्रोकोली नहीं उगा सकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Another reason for rotation is to get rid of fungi which easily strike crops such as tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage.
- Plant out winter greens, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, in the vegetable plot.
- Sow purple-sprouting broccoli and winter cabbages in trays.
- A ten-foot row of broccoli will give you enough florets to feed a family of four with plenty left over to freeze.
- Flea beetles like this crop a lot and the best way for me to get broccoli and cauliflower is to start the seedling in flats.
- The vegetable garden is doing quite well, with spuds, broccoli , onions, cabbage and garlic all starting to grow.
- Like the cauliflower, broccoli is a sort of cabbage in which flowers have begun to form but have stopped growing while still in bud.
- Seedlings for planting out now include cabbage, broccoli , cauliflower and celery.
- It's also a good time to put in root crops as well as broccoli and cabbage, artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb.
- Sow cabbages, broccoli and other brassicas in a sheltered seed bed or in trays in the cold greenhouse.
- The only vegetables to avoid are any of the cole crops, such as cabbage, mustard or broccoli .
- This new brand of broccoli is right at home in southern climates where it has been so hot and dry the last couple of years.
- A ten percent germination rate can leave a lot of bare soil in a flower bed, or lead to a disappointment of broccoli .
- After plants stop producing, most people pull up their broccoli and toss it onto the compost pile.
- The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli , turnip, and mustard.