morailty - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of morailty in Hindi
- नैतिकता
- सदाचार
- शील
- नीति-नाटक
- पुण्यशीलता
- नीति
- नीतिमत्ता
morailty Definition
- principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
morailty Example
- behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons ( सभी तर्कों के पीछे परमाणु हथियार रखने की नैतिकता का मुद्दा है )
- Laws were put in place to uphold peace, but when morality and law is subjective, and pride and conquest are the root of your nation, peace is impossible ( शांति बनाए रखने के लिए कानून बनाए गए थे, लेकिन जब नैतिकता और कानून व्यक्तिपरक हैं, और गर्व और विजय आपके राष्ट्र की जड़ हैं, तो शांति असंभव है )
- by the morality of his prone supplication, ( उनकी प्रवण प्रार्थना की नैतिकता से, )
- and just concentrate on the morality of breathing ( और केवल सांस लेने की नैतिकता पर ध्यान दें )
More Sentence
- Morality and sin have not left us: they have taken different forms
- morality, she was often too quick to judge and ended up
- would be, think they inoculate morality inside of
- If we think of the morality of some
- Though I hate lying and avoid it because it is against my nature, I would act contrary to my basic principles, morality and normal behavior
- a bourgeois morality
- He wasn't known for his morality or virtues.
- Julia had her own ideas about morality, obviously.
- As a devout Christian, the doctor’s concept of morality prohibited him from having anything to do with the cloning project.
- Chelsea had no sense of morality and did not believe there was anything wrong with cheating on her husband.
- When the prostitute questioned my morality, I suggested she look in the mirror and review her own lifestyle.
- The debate about the morality of slavery was one of the causes of the U.S. Civil War.
- Because Helen has the tendency to abandon morality when it suits her, she would not be a good Sunday school teacher.
- Philip was by nature dull and phlegmatic. He had learnt morality from Fenelon's teaching, and showed himself throughout his life strongly adverse to the moral laxity of his grandfather and of most of the princes of his time.
- Agrippina was a woman of the highest character and exemplary morality.
- Crime is infrequent, and morality, always above the Polynesian average, has improved.