blood - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blood in Hindi

  • रक्त


  • रक्त
  • खून
  • लहू
  • रुधिर
  • वंश
  • गोत्र
  • रिश्ता
  • छैला


  • रक्त
  • लोहू
  • लहू
  • वंश
  • नाता
  • संबंध


  • खून निकलना

blood Definition


  • the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. ( लाल तरल पदार्थ जो मनुष्यों और अन्य कशेरुक जानवरों की धमनियों और नसों में फैलता है, शरीर के ऊतकों से ऑक्सीजन और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को ले जाता है। )
  • violence involving bloodshed. ( रक्तपात से जुड़ी हिंसा। )
  • temperament or disposition, especially when passionate. ( स्वभाव या स्वभाव, विशेष रूप से भावुक होने पर। )
  • family background; descent or lineage. ( पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि; वंश या वंश। )
  • a member of a Los Angeles street gang. ( लॉस एंजिल्स सड़क गिरोह का एक सदस्य। )
  • a fashionable and dashing young man. ( एक फैशनेबल और डैशिंग युवक। )


  • initiate (someone) in a particular activity. ( (किसी को) किसी विशेष गतिविधि में आरंभ करना। )

blood Example

  • This increased pressure compresses the arteries and veins, decreasing blood flow to the muscles. ( यह बढ़ा हुआ दबाव धमनियों और नसों को संकुचित करता है, मांसपेशियों में रक्त के प्रवाह को कम करता है। )
  • any blood who opted out was ostracized ( किसी भी रक्त का जो बाहर निकाला गया था, वह अस्थिभंग था )
  • A scientist has found a 20 million-year-old fossil of a spider – and its blood – trapped in amber. ( एक वैज्ञानिक ने मकड़ी का 20 मिलियन साल पुराना जीवाश्म पाया है - और उसका खून - एम्बर में फंसा हुआ है। )
  • A brave eight-year-old who had every drop of blood in his body replaced five times to fight cancer is to front an appeal for donors. ( आठ वर्षीय एक बहादुर जिसके शरीर में रक्त की प्रत्येक बूंद थी, कैंसर से लड़ने के लिए पाँच बार बदली गई और उसने दानदाताओं से अपील की। )
  • The human heart and the blood flowing through the arteries and veins know no nationalities. ( धमनियों और शिराओं से बहता मानव हृदय और रक्त कोई राष्ट्रीयता नहीं जानता है। )
  • It has a heart, a few blood vessels, and insect blood simply flows around inside the body cavity. ( इसमें एक हृदय, कुछ रक्त वाहिकाएं और कीट रक्त शरीर के गुहा के अंदर बहता है। )
  • he's of noble blood ( वह नेक खून है )
  • a mixed blood ( एक मिश्रित रक्त )
  • they have Spanish blood in them ( उनमें स्पेनिश खून है )

More Sentence

  • He was from a mean family, and an ignorant bum, but his friend was from a noble blood .
  • Doctors have been waiting a long time for a suitable oxygen carrying alternative to transfused blood .
  • The people of the mob cheered as they made their way out of the palace, that was now soiled in blood and violence.
  • The tragedy of the last few years of blood and violence has shown no signs of a peaceful ending.
  • Obviously, an artery carries more blood than does a vein or capillary.
  • Mara and the president went at it hammer and tongs, beating out offer and counteroffer as blood boiled and tempers rose.
  • a commando operation full of blood and danger
  • The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is an indicator of the amount of oxygen the blood can carry throughout the body.
  • Mainly red, because you can get so passionate about it your blood gets up.
  • In the process it damaged a major vein and an artery, causing serious blood loss.
  • drop of blood
  • His mother was of Dutch extraction, so he had not a drop of English blood in his veins.
  • she was born in England but has Irish blood in her
  • Hormones circulate in the blood and are carried to all parts of the body.
  • Veins are the blood vessels responsible for carrying blood to the heart from all parts of the body.
  • drops of blood
  • None but those of German blood may be members of the nation.
  • Anaemia is a condition in which the blood cannot carry enough oxygen to meet the body's needs.
  • They divert blood away from the skin to the core of our bodies, reducing blood loss if we are damaged.
  • I cannot just brush off scenes of violence, blood and gore, not to mention senseless killing.
  • infected blood