meadow - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of meadow in Hindi
- घास का मैदान
- मीडो
- तृणभूमि
- चरागाह
meadow Definition
- a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay. ( घास के मैदान का एक टुकड़ा, विशेष रूप से घास के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
meadow Example
- Soil analysis and pasture inventories were conducted annually on each hay meadow . ( मृदा विश्लेषण और चारागाह सूची प्रत्येक घास घास के मैदान पर सालाना आयोजित की गई। )
- Two hours passed, and they finally reached the meadow by the Cher River. ( दो घंटे बीत गए, और वे अंत में चेर नदी द्वारा घास के मैदान में पहुंच गए। )
- Oddly enough, the stream dissected the meadow with near perfection. ( अजीब तरह से, धारा ने पूर्णता के साथ घास के मैदान को विच्छेदित कर दिया। )
- Actually, it was a pretty big meadow with a small river flowing on the left side of it with a huge oak tree in the middle. ( वास्तव में, यह एक बहुत बड़ी घास का मैदान था जिसके बीच में एक विशाल ओक के पेड़ के साथ एक छोटी नदी बहती थी। )
- A dark line of bent grass led through the moonlight silvered sheen across the meadow and toward the mountain. ( घास की एक गहरी रेखा चांदनी चांदी के माध्यम से घास का मैदान और पर्वत की ओर जाती है। )
- a meadow ready for cutting ( एक घास काटने के लिए तैयार है )
- a pleasant campsite in a meadow, complete with sparkling stream ( एक मनके में एक सुखद शिविर, स्पार्कलिंग स्ट्रीम के साथ पूरा )
- Soon they were ready to leave the meadow but they all knew something was missing. ( जल्द ही वे घास का मैदान छोड़ने के लिए तैयार थे, लेकिन वे सभी जानते थे कि कुछ गायब था। )
- There are four acres of wildflower meadow surrounded by woodland. ( वुडलैंड से घिरे जंगल की चार एकड़ में फैली घास के मैदान हैं। )
- He came out of the thick woods into a small meadow , his arrow on his bow ready to be shot at anything that moved. ( वह घने जंगल से निकलकर एक छोटे से मैदान में आ गया, उसके धनुष पर उसका तीर जो कुछ भी गिरा था, उस पर गोली चलाने के लिए तैयार था। )
- Luke had decided to take a long ride across the estate's grounds to the meadow in the east limit and set a picnic for both of us there. ( ल्यूक ने पूर्व की सीमा में मैदानी क्षेत्र में संपत्ति के मैदान में एक लंबी सवारी करने का फैसला किया था और हम दोनों के लिए पिकनिक तय की थी। )
More Sentence
- The sleeve depicts trees in a meadow of purple flowers.
- He threw himself onto the ground as the meadow was filled with the twang of many bowstrings.
- 143 acres of meadow and pasture
- Karen had her apron full of herbs picked in the meadow near the creek.
- Here, the eye still meets unbroken views of lush woodlands sweeping down to the river Thames, surrounded by open riverside meadows .
- On Kathryn's left were acres and acres of trails through meadows and woods, down valleys and over large hills.
- In addition to the garden and pleasure grounds adjacent to the house, Gravetye had acres of naturalistically planted fields, meadows , and woods.
- Of the positive environmental impacts, the most noticeable are the rich cultural biotopes, such as meadows and pastures, created by slash-and-burn cultivation.
- It is especially well suited for low meadows and pastures, and survives extended periods of standing or running water.
- Low-slung and innocuous-looking, the control structures sit in the middle of a meadowy expanse, resembling modest bridges and culverts more than the crucial floodgates they are.
- The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
- Before me, the meadowy plains lay open under the restless sky.
- The meadows suitable for grazing stock were covered in thick lush grasses, which waved in the breezes.
- Landowners created new meadows and pastures by lowering the water level of lakes, thereby somewhat improving the availability of fodder.
- Here the visitor can explore 60 acres of meadows , woods and gardens, studded with a dozen pavilions designed by sculptor Erwin Heerich.
- It seemed like not so long ago, that Cara and her were riding their horses through the meadows near their cottage in their old town, Tana.
- Images of flower meadows and buttercup pastures pervade our culture - and are regularly wheeled out to sell everything from chocolate and butter to shampoo and soap powder.
- He was now in the countryside; meadows and pastures on either side of the road.
- His yell rang through the glades and meadows of the forest.