manufacture - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of manufacture in Hindi
- उत्पादन
- निर्माण
- विनिर्माण
- विनिर्माण करना
- उत्पादन
- उद्योग
- उपज
- पैदावार
- बनाना
- बना देना
- बना लेना
- तैयार करना
- तैयार कर देना
- जाल बनाना
- गढ़ना
manufacture Definition
- the making of articles on a large scale using machinery.
- make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
manufacture Example
- The subsidiary industries, such as the manufacture of machinery and wire fabric, are of considerable importance. ( सहायक उद्योग, जैसे मशीनरी और वायर फैब्रिक का निर्माण, काफी महत्व का है। )
- For instance, you may manufacture widgets from lightweight plastic. ( उदाहरण के लिए, आप हल्के प्लास्टिक से विजेट बना सकते हैं। )
- There are numerous tanneries, and the manufacture of boots and shoes and linen goods is carried on. ( कई चर्मशोधन कारखाने हैं, और जूते और जूते और लिनन के सामान का निर्माण किया जाता है। )
- Its industries include quarrying and malting, and the manufacture of sugar and machinery. ( इसके उद्योगों में उत्खनन और माल्टिंग, और चीनी और मशीनरी का निर्माण शामिल है। )
More Sentence
- The manufacture of cotton has been introduced.
- The company is relocating production to Asia because it is cheaper to manufacture products overseas.
- Due to increasing customer demand, we need to hire more employees to manufacture our goods.
- How long will it take to manufacture the one million uniforms needed by the military?
- Using robots greatly decreases the amount of time needed to manufacture a product.
- The drug dealer was charged with the intent to manufacture and distribute crystal meth.
- Printing, book-selling, the manufacture of surgical and scientific instruments, chemicals, gloves and vinegar, and the cultivation of hops, fruit and vines are among the leading occupations of the inhabitants.
- The manufacture of bricks is an important industry.
- The wood of the olive is also used for the manufacture of small articles.
- The only manufacture is cotton cloth.
- The manufacture of the rails themselves was gradually improved.