few - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of few in Hindi
- कुछ
- थोड़े
- अल्प
- बहुत नहीं
- कोई
- इने-गिने
- बहुत कम
- अत्यल्प
- थोड़ से
few Definition
- a small number of.
- used to emphasize how small a number is.
- a small number of people or things.
- used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is.
- the minority of people; the elect.
few Example
- The man, whom police have not identified, ran from the scene after the assault and was arrested a few blocks away. ( वह व्यक्ति, जिसकी पुलिस ने पहचान नहीं की है, हमले के बाद घटनास्थल से भाग गया और कुछ दूर दूर उसे गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। )
- art is not just for the few. ( कला केवल कुछ लोगों के लिए नहीं है। )
- According to the Pew Research Center, more than 70 percent of Polish citizens held a favorable few of the E.U. last year, compared to 48 percent in the United Kingdom. ( प्यू रिसर्च सेंटर के अनुसार, 70 प्रतिशत से अधिक पोलिश नागरिकों ने यूरोपीय संघ के कुछ अनुकूल लोगों को रखा। पिछले साल, यूनाइटेड किंगडम में 48 प्रतिशत की तुलना में। )
- I'm leaving town for a few days. ( मैं कुछ दिनों के लिए शहर छोड़ रहा हूँ। )
- comforts here are few. ( यहाँ आराम कम हैं। )
- This information did not leak until 2009 and there were few who allowed it to tarnish memories of the Sox’ magical championships of 2004 and 2007. ( यह जानकारी 2009 तक लीक नहीं हुई थी और कुछ ऐसे थे जिन्होंने इसे 2004 और 2007 की सोक्स की जादुई चैंपियनशिप की यादों को धूमिल करने की अनुमति दी थी। )
- You'd better stay in bed for a few days. ( बेहतर होगा कि आप कुछ दिन बिस्तर पर ही रहें। )
- There were few of the latter, sung by Moctar, second guitarist Ahmoudou Madassane and, occasionally, bassist-producer Michael Coltun. ( मोक्टार द्वारा गाए गए कुछ उत्तरार्द्ध थे, दूसरे गिटारवादक अहमौदौ मदासेन और कभी-कभी, बासिस्ट-निर्माता माइकल कोल्टन। )
- sewing was one of her few pleasures. ( सिलाई उसके कुछ सुखों में से एक थी। )
More Sentence
- A few years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave my stepmother a locket as a present.
- there are hundreds of applicants but only a few are selected.
- The trouble is that very few of their laborious explanations stick in the memory.
- Few candidates had received any training in management.
- There is so much hate online these days, and our options for finding and building real connections are few and far between.
- many believe it but only a few are prepared to say so.
- I know quite a few people who don't eat meat.
- he had few friends.
- A few days after his thirteenth birthday, Tony left school, too.
- may I ask a few questions?
- She fed them and gathered the few eggs they had laid after she gathered them yesterday.
- Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
- few thought to challenge these assumptions.
- Now, dear friend, Please accept these few words because of the love that is linked with them.
- To live long is almost everyone's wish, but to live well is the ambitiion of a few.
- very few of the titles have any literary merit.
- I have only a few moments left in which to answer your questions about the "Helen Keller" Public Library.
- One foe is too many; and a hundred friends too few.
- I will recount a few of the stories told me.
- A few minutes later Dulce and Alex joined them at the table.
- Not many people came, but the few people who did enjoyed themselves.
- he was one one of the few who survived.
- After a few minutes' bustle beside the high bedstead, those who had carried the sick man dispersed.
- Beyond that, among most Fortune 500 companies, substantive statements were few and far between, whether in support of or opposition to the court’s draft opinion.
- a world that increasingly belongs to the few.
- Police said the incident happened between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. in the 7700 block of Burnside Road, a few blocks from Landover Road, in the Palmer Park area.
- At the foot of the hill lay wasteland over which a few groups of our Cossack scouts were moving.
- The crime occurred in the Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood, a few blocks north of Powell Boulevard, in the 14100 block of Southeast Woodward Street.
- He caught fewer fish than the rest of us.
- There are fewer children at the school this year.