locust attack - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of locust attack in Hindi
- टिड्डी का हमला
- टिड्डियों का आक्रमण
- टिड्डियों का आगमन
locust attack Definition
- attack by locust
locust attack Example
- Rajasthan is the worst affected state in the locust attack. New Delhi: Massive swarms of desert locusts are destroying crops across western
- Crops destroyed as India faces 'worst locust attack in 27 years'.
- First major locust attack in Maharashtra since 1993; 3 districts hit. According to the state agriculture department.
- While India is already battling the consequences of novel Coronavirus on its economy, locust attack or plague could further devastate
- This year, the locust attack is the worst in 26 years," said an official at the Faridabad-based Locust Warning Organisation (LWO)
- Locust Attack: An ancient threat of damage and destruction.
- India buys drones, specialist equipment to avert new locust attack.