in good faith - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of in good faith in Hindi

  • सद्भाव
  • सद्‍भाव से
  • सद्भावना से
  • साफ़ नीयत से
  • शुद्ध मति से

in good faith Definition

  • in an honest and proper way

in good faith Example

  • Everybody acted in good faith to execute customer orders in the market. ( बाजार में ग्राहक के आदेशों को निष्पादित करने के लिए सभी ने अच्छे विश्वास के साथ काम किया। )
  • The officers and FBI agents claimed that they acted in good faith. ( अधिकारियों और एफबीआई एजेंटों ने दावा किया कि उन्होंने नेकनीयती से काम किया। )
  • It was their inability to negotiate in good faith on many fronts. ( यह कई मोर्चों पर अच्छे विश्वास में बातचीत करने में उनकी अक्षमता थी। )
  • We feel that Mr . Benson is still negotiating in good faith. ( हमें लगता है कि मि. बेन्सन अभी भी अच्छे विश्वास के साथ बातचीत कर रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • We have tried to deal with the Belarusian government in good faith,
  • It says it is working in good faith to reach peaceful settlements.
  • Israel is prepared to negotiate in good faith wherever there are partners.
  • We are attempting in good faith to get that cloud removed.
  • Everyone seems to be acting in good faith except the British,
  • It's difficult to see in good faith in a sentence .
  • You will see clearly that I am acting in good faith.
  • I hope the owners are willing to bargain in good faith.
  • Todd did not agree that McMorgan was acting in good faith.
  • But the company must have made those projections in good faith.