illusion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of illusion in Hindi

  • मोह माया
  • भ्रम
  • भ्रांति
  • माया
  • मिथ्या
  • भरम
  • मोह
  • शक
  • मोहिनी
  • छल
  • अयथार्थता

illusion Definition

  • a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses. ( एक ऐसी चीज़ जो इंद्रियों द्वारा गलत रूप से कथित या व्याख्या की जाने वाली है। )

illusion Example

  • Or at least give the illusion of doing so, until a better idea comes along.
  • So what if the idea is to create the illusion of total surveillance, so that people behave?
  • Both audio and visuals support the illusion that Becker is trying to create.
  • I wowed him with an illusion involving a silk scarf and a cup with a false bottom.
  • the illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background
  • she was under the illusion that everything was fine
  • this will create an illusion of space
  • People do buy into the illusion that they can experience a little dusting of celeb glamour by lining the pockets of already rich stars.
  • We've got to somehow - my own preference is to say we have to understand how we got to the illusion .
  • I thought I saw her but it was only an illusion
  • Does that mean that neuroscience tells us that free will is an illusion ?
  • Its carbon arc lamp doesn't shoot light through filmstrips to create the illusion of movement.
  • Many people today, however, cling to the illusion that gaining material wealth will be the key to all their problems.
  • the illusion of freedom
  • the tension between illusion and reality
  • he's under no illusion about the challenges ahead
  • I'm under no illusion on this point
  • The trick to create the illusion of longer legs is to draw the eye upwards.
  • The apparent relativity of the moral impulse is an illusion which is created by the mind for the mind's own purposes.
  • There is something about the screen that gives the illusion of trustworthiness.
  • the illusion of family togetherness
  • The progress of the film is a progress through illusion and deception toward reality and truth.
  • One might suppose that this preview allowed participants to notice and adjust for the effect of the illusion .
  • However, it also caused an illusion of repetition for items presented only once.
  • That, of course, adds to the illusion surrounding the arrangement, which is the idea.
  • But even today, Romanians still live with the realities behind the illusion .
  • When we peer out into the world is all that we see potentially a confabulation - a grand visual illusion staged by our brain?
  • visual illusion
  • stripes embellish the surface to create the illusion of various wood-grain textures
  • But the biggest illusion is the idea that travelling on your own is all that wonderful.