have a great day - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of have a great day in Hindi
- आपका दिन शानदार गुजरे
have a great day Definition
- used to say one hopes the person spoken to will have an enjoyable day ( कहा जाता है कि एक व्यक्ति को उम्मीद है कि उसका दिन सुखद होगा )
have a great day Example
- Saying “Have a nice day” is a wish to see someone alright.
- If we mean it we do not like to see bad happen to others. We always wish for others good.
- If it is a stranger, have a nice day is a good way to end the meeting to indicate that the time with them was quite pleasant.
- If it is an acquaintance, have a nice day is a good way to end the conversation to indicate that you are their well wisher.