ghazal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ghazal in Hindi

  • ग़ज़ल

ghazal Definition


  • (in Middle Eastern and Indian literature and music) a lyric poem with a fixed number of verses and a repeated rhyme, typically on the theme of love, and normally set to music.

ghazal Example

  • Lake No is little more than a depression into which the waters of the Ghazal system pass near the point of junction with the Bahr-el-Jebel. ( झील संख्या एक अवसाद से थोड़ा अधिक है जिसमें ग़ज़ल प्रणाली का पानी बहार-अल-जेबेल के साथ जंक्शन के बिंदु के पास से गुजरता है। )
  • In their upper courses all the southern affluents of the Ghazal flow across a plateau of ferruginous laterite, their valleys having steep banks. ( अपने ऊपरी पाठ्यक्रमों में ग़ज़ल के सभी दक्षिणी प्रवाह लौहयुक्त लेटराइट के पठार में बहते हैं, उनकी घाटियों में खड़ी किनारे हैं। )
  • Gogrial is a major army garrison in Bahr el-Ghazal.  ( गोगरियाल बहार अल-ग़ज़ल में एक प्रमुख सैन्य छावनी है। )
  • Nasir, especially, effortlessly delivered the enchanting Ghazal Untuk Rabiah. ( नासिर ने विशेष रूप से सहजता से मनमोहक ग़ज़ल उन्तुक राबिया को प्रस्तुत किया। )

More Sentence

  • The tracks include songs from Layar Lara and Ghazal Untuk Rabiah.
  • Irama Ghazal Malaysia has so far sold 10, 000 units.
  • The ghazal is a sung form that is considered primarily poetic.
  • The following is an example of a Ghazal by Daag Dehelvi.
  • To Ghazali (q.v.) it seemed that the study of secular philosophy had resulted in a general indifference to religion, and that the Ghazal, scepticism scepticism which concealed itself under a pretence of piety was destroying the life and purity of the nation.
  • The intellect has in itself power to know ultimate truth and intelligence, and does not require a mystical illumination as Ghazal" taught.
  • Accordingly, the expositors of religious metaphysics, Ghazal" included, are the enemies of true religion, because they make it a mere matter of syllogism.
  • In the Ghazal province also are many rubber-producing lianas, among them the Landolphia owariensis.
  • The example below is of a Ghazal below by Daag Dehelvi.
  • This ghazal sung by Rushdi, gained popularity amongst music listeners.
  • His diction was unique here is one of his famous ghazal.
  • It's difficult to see ghazal in a sentence .
  • It was a ghazal whose words went something like this :-
  • The worst affected area was Bahr El Ghazal in southwestern Sudan.
  • He is known as the first Hindi Ghazal writer of India.
  • At first the Ghazal flows north with lagoon-like expansions having great breadth and little depth - nowhere more than 13 ft.
  • Finally, the Ghazal turns east and again becomes broader until Lake No is reached.
  • The rise of the Ghazal river in flood time is barely 3 ft., a depth sufficient, however, to place an enormous area of country under water.