gesture - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gesture in Hindi
- हाव - भाव
- इशारा
- संकेत
- भाव
- हाव-भाव
- चेष्टा
- व्यंजक
- मुद्रा
- भंगिमा
- अंगविक्षेप
- इशारा करना
- इंगित करना
- संकेत करना
- नाटक करना
- हाव-भाव दिखलाना
gesture Definition
- a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
- make a gesture.
gesture Example
- so much is conveyed by gesture ( इशारों से बहुत कुछ बताया जाता है )
- Alex made a gesture of apology ( एलेक्स ने माफी का इशारा किया )
- That was a nice gesture on someone's part. ( यह किसी की ओर से एक अच्छा इशारा था। )
- Dropping off home-cooked meals was a very nice gesture. ( घर का बना खाना छोड़ना बहुत अच्छा इशारा था। )
More Sentence
- Maria Theresa had undoubtedly an instinctive histrionic sense of the perspective of the theatre, and could adopt the appropriate attitude and gesture, passionate, dignified or pathetic, required to impress those she wished to influence.
- The visitor made a gesture with her hand.
- A gesture of lifting one's shoulders in our culture means I don't know.
- The young boy angrily threw his books on the floor in a gesture of defiance.
- The young child stood with his arms crossed, and his feet spread in an obvious gesture of defiance.
- Valerie Sokolosky once remarked that there is one universal gesture that has one universal message: a smile.
- Jackson held Sarah's hand as a gesture of comfort.
- Inviting Alex to visit this farm sounded more like a payback than a gesture of appreciation.
- After the illness, when they were dependent on signs, Helen's tendency to gesture developed.
- In answer to questions with which he was greeted, the courier made a despairing gesture with his hand and passed through the room.
- But those!... and he made a gesture of contempt.
- Alpatych turned his face to Prince Andrew, looked at him, and suddenly with a solemn gesture raised his arm.
- Maggie was touched by the kind gesture
- I hope the amendment will not be just a gesture