genetics - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of genetics in Hindi
- आनुवंशिकी
- जनन विज्ञान
- जननिकी
- आनुवंशिक विज्ञान
- जननिकी
genetics Definition
- the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.
genetics Example
- the effects of family genetics on the choice of career ( करियर के चुनाव पर पारिवारिक आनुवंशिकी का प्रभाव )
- Genetics seems to play a part in food allergies. ( ऐसा लगता है कि जेनेटिक्स खाद्य एलर्जी में एक भूमिका निभाते हैं। )
- In contrast to our advanced knowledge of WT genetics, we know little or nothing about the cell biology of WT. ( डब्ल्यूटी जेनेटिक्स के हमारे उन्नत ज्ञान के विपरीत, हम डब्ल्यूटी के सेल बायोलॉजी के बारे में बहुत कम या कुछ भी नहीं जानते हैं। )
- When Tammy studied genetics in class, she learned her eye color differed from her parents because of recessive genes. ( जब टैमी ने कक्षा में आनुवंशिकी का अध्ययन किया, तो उसे पता चला कि उसकी आँखों का रंग उसके माता-पिता से भिन्न जीन के कारण भिन्न था। )
More Sentence
- Genetics may explain why Stella and her sisters have the same disease.
- Yesterday my professor lectured on the study of heredity or as its more academically known, genetics.
- After Steve became fascinated with genetics, he realized he wanted to spend his life trying to cure inherited disorders.
- If intelligence is based on genetics, I know the geek’s parents are really smart.
- These studies are closely aligned to the Wessex Clinical Genetics Service.
- Topics covered include agronomy, physiology, genetics, crop protection, postharvest storage, product processing, and marketing.
- This line of experiment came out of a fusion of bacterial genetics with the biochemical characterization of an inducible system of sugar metabolizing enzymes.