anklet - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anklet in Hindi
- पायल
- पायजेब
- नूपुर
- पैंजनी
anklet Definition
- a sock that reaches just above the ankle. ( एक जुर्राब जो टखने के ठीक ऊपर पहुँचता है। )
- an ornament worn around an ankle. ( टखने के चारों ओर पहना जाने वाला एक आभूषण। )
anklet Example
- We can produce anklet socks according to your requirements. ( हम अपनी आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार पायल मोजे का उत्पादन कर सकते हैं। )
- I like to wear pretty ribbons in my hair and love lacy anklet socks and ruffles on my panties. ( मैं अपने बालों में सुंदर रिबन पहनना पसंद करती हूं और अपनी पैंटी पर लेस वाली पायल मोजे और रफल्स पसंद करती हूं। )
- I was inspired to knit anklet socks by the gorgeous yarn. ( मैं भव्य यार्न द्वारा पायल मोजे बुनने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया था। )
- You owned a lot of fluoro-coloured anklet socks, mostly lime green, hot pink and fluoro-yellow. ( आपके पास बहुत सारे फ़्लोरो रंग के पायल वाले मोज़े हैं, जिनमें ज्यादातर चूने के हरे, गर्म गुलाबी और फ्लोरो-पीले हैं। )
- They also purchased anklet socks for guys. ( उन्होंने लोगों के लिए पायल मोजे भी खरीदे। )
- Often called tennis socks because of their shorter length, these Wick Anklet Socks are great for all types of indoor and outdoor warm-weather sports. ( अक्सर अपनी छोटी लंबाई के कारण टेनिस के मोजे कहा जाता है, ये विक अंकोल सॉक्स सभी प्रकार के इनडोर और आउटडोर वार्म-वेदर स्पोर्ट्स के लिए बेहतरीन हैं। )
- The styles vary from the traditional, the tribal, the contemporary, the designer and the exotic in a range that comprises rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants, anklets and coordinated sets. ( शैलियाँ पारंपरिक, आदिवासी, समकालीन, डिज़ाइनर और विदेशी से भिन्न होती हैं, जिसमें रिंग, कंगन, झुमके, हार, पेंडेंट, पायल और समन्वित सेट शामिल होते हैं। )
- Necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets , chokers, earrings, and some articles I couldn't have begun to guess at dazzled my vision. ( हार, अंगूठी, कंगन, पायल, चोकर्स, झुमके, और कुछ लेख जिन्हें मैं अपनी दृष्टि को देखकर चकित नहीं हो सकता था। )
- Like most classical dancers, they were heavily made-up, brightly costumed, and adorned with bangles, bell anklets , earrings, and rings. ( अधिकांश शास्त्रीय नर्तकियों की तरह, वे भारी रूप से बने होते थे, चमकीली वेशभूषा, और चूड़ियों, बेल की पायल, झुमके और अंगूठियों से सजी होती थीं। )
- The fashion house evoked the tropical island look with elegance in its latest collection of earrings necklaces, trinkets and anklets . ( फैशन हाउस ने अपने नवीनतम झुमके हार, ट्रिंकेट और पायल के संग्रह में लालित्य के साथ उष्णकटिबंधीय द्वीप को देखा। )
- I move back over to my dresser and find my spiked jewelry and put on as much as I can fit: bracelets, anklets , chokers, and a belt. ( मैं अपने ड्रेसर के पास वापस जाता हूं और अपने नुकीले गहने ढूंढता हूं और जितना फिट हो सकता हूं उतना ही डालता हूं: कंगन, पायल, चोकर्स और एक बेल्ट। )
- This is worn with a variety of necklaces, bracelets, anklets , rings, and other ornaments. ( यह विभिन्न प्रकार के हार, कंगन, पायल, अंगूठी और अन्य आभूषणों के साथ पहना जाता है। )
More Sentence
- He wore a simple loincloth and more than a dozen bracelets, anklets and other assorted jewellery.
- Gold bracelets, anklets , and armlets were adorned with carnelian and lapis lazuli, covering my arms and legs, and I feared for a moment I wouldn't be able to walk upright for the weight.
- She also wears many bracelets, anklets , and necklaces.
- He wore matching amethyst earrings, bracelets, anklets and various other types of jewellery, as well as having fixed one in his navel, and on his forehead as a bindi.
- Gold-plated jewellery, silver ornaments, including anklets , earrings, necklaces and bangles studded with Hyderabad pearls were available.
- Those friendly traditional artisans, who designed all the rings, pendants, necklaces and anklets for the brides-to-be, are still in business all over town.
- One can pick rings, pendants, anklets and bracelets - all in sterling silver here.
- Every afternoon conchero dancers wearing feathered headdresses and shell anklets and bracelets gather in the main square to remind everyone of the country's Aztec heritage.
- Upper and lower garments were worn and the body was ornamented with bracelets, anklets , necklaces, and earrings.
- I spotted some necklaces, bracelets and anklets that were actually worth looking at.
- The dancers wear anklets , bracelets, necklaces, and colorful sashes with streamers.
- She then donned the bracelets and anklets , clasped the necklace about her shoulders and the wrapped the girdle about her waist, fastening it with the knot of Auset.
- Much of Miss Beningson's collection beautifully wrought anklets , earrings, necklaces, jewelled crowns - comes from south India.
- Wonderfully crafted bangles, necklaces, anklets and earrings are star attractions.