gene theraphy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gene theraphy in Hindi

  • जीन थेरेपी

gene theraphy Definition


  • the transplantation of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders.

gene theraphy Example

  • Viral vectors for gene therapy : the art of turning infectious agents into vehicles of therapeutics. ( जीन थेरेपी के लिए वायरल वैक्टर: संक्रामक एजेंटों को चिकित्सीय वाहनों में बदलने की कला। )
  • Transcriptional targeting modalities in breast cancer gene therapy using adenovirus vectors controlled by alpha-lactalbumin promoter. ( अल्फा-लैक्टलबुमिन प्रमोटर द्वारा नियंत्रित एडेनोवायरस वैक्टर का उपयोग करके स्तन कैंसर जीन थेरेपी में ट्रांसक्रिप्शनल टारगेटिंग तौर-तरीके। )
  • He dismissed criticisms of the ethics of somatic gene therapy. ( उन्होंने सोमैटिक जीन थेरेपी की नैतिकता की आलोचनाओं को खारिज कर दिया। )
  • The study shows that gene therapy could potentially be used instead of an artificial pacemaker. ( अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि कृत्रिम पेसमेकर के बजाय संभावित रूप से जीन थेरेपी का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • It is essential for the success of gene therapy vectors that an appropriate promoter is linked to the gene of interest.
  • A UK trial looking at gene therapy for early stage prostate cancer closed in October 2004.
  • These gene therapy trials will all be the first of their kind in the UK.
  • Adenovirus could be used to improve the efficiency of gene therapy that has been achieved using DNA transfection.
  • In spite of some setbacks, the future for gene therapy is bright.
  • In addition he coordinates the Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Group which is seeking ways to prevent coronary arteries from narrowing following balloon dilatation for angina.
  • Research and teaching covers the areas of biomedical ethics and other areas of applied ethics, including gene therapy.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital, London The proposal involves gene therapy for an immuno-deficiency known as ADA-SCID, which affects both boys and girls.
  • Unfortunately the view is that effective gene therapy still remains at least five years into the future.