gauge - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gauge in Hindi

  • थाह लेना
  • गेज
  • नापना
  • प्रमापी
  • रेल की पटरियों के बीच का अंतर


  • नाप
  • अनुमान
  • पैमाना
  • विस्तार
  • पट्टी का झीना कपड़ा
  • रेल की लाइन का अन्तर


  • मापना
  • पैमाना बनाना
  • एक सा करना
  • ठीक-ठीक नापना

gauge Definition


  • an instrument or device for measuring the magnitude, amount, or contents of something, typically with a visual display of such information.
  • the thickness, size, or capacity of something, especially as a standard measure.
  • the position of a sailing vessel to windward ( weather gage ) or leeward ( lee gage ) of another.


  • estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of.
  • measure the dimensions of (an object) with a gauge.

gauge Example

  • the line was laid to a gauge of 2 ft. 9 in ( लाइन को 2 फीट 9 इंच के गेज पर रखा गया था )
  • it is difficult to gauge how effective the ban was ( यह प्रतिबंध कितना प्रभावी था, इसका अंदाजा लगाना मुश्किल है )
  • she was unable to gauge his mood ( वह उसकी मनोदशा का अंदाजा नहीं लगा पा रही थी )
  • a fuel gauge ( एक ईंधन गेज )

More Sentence

  • You can gauge the risk.
  • His tone was unassuming, but his gaze was intent, as if he were trying to gauge if she recognized him or not.
  • The sweater is made with very fine gauge knit wool.
  • The speed gauge on my car is broken so I can't tell how fast I'm going.
  • We need a very thin gauge wire to get through the hole.
  • Logan Pearsall Smith once suggested that the vitality of a new movement in Art must be gauged by the fury it arouses.
  • There is a Chinese proverb which observes that the human heart is difficult to gauge.
  • The government had not properly gauged the degree of popular discontent with its policies.
  • Someone once suggested that you can often gauge a man's ambition by whether he hates his alarm clock or considers it his dear friend.
  • In a recent study conducted at a museum, researchers gauged the popularity of each exhibit by noting how quickly the floor tiles in front of the display needed to be replaced.
  • Nowadays, many cars have sensors to gauge such things as temperature, speed, fuel level, and pressure.
  • Narrow gauge and normal gauge railways of local interest covered 3905 m.
  • The gauge throughout is 2 ft.
  • Cutting heavy gauge wire with your good pair of wire cutters may dull the blades.
  • emigration is perhaps the best gauge of public unease
  • a fine 0.018-inch gauge wire
  • mark out the details of the angled surfaces with a knife and gauge
  • astronomers can gauge the star's intrinsic brightness