gait - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gait in Hindi

  • चाल
  • कार्यवाही
  • गति
  • चलने का ढंग
  • चाल-ढाल
  • पग

gait Definition


  • a person's manner of walking.

gait Example

  • Gerald was tall and lean, his gait casual. (गेराल्ड लंबा और दुबला-पतला था, उसकी चाल आकस्मिक थी।)
  • He walked with a slow stiff gait. (वह धीमी कठोर चाल के साथ चला।)
  • He reeled in his gait. (वह अपनी चाल में उलझा हुआ था।)
  • The illness was characterised by gait disturbance, a relapsing and remitting course, nystagmus, and status epilepticus. (बीमारी की विशेषता गैट डिस्टर्बेंस, एक रिलैप्सिंग और रेमिटिंग कोर्स, निस्टागमस और स्टेटस एपिलेप्टिकस थी।)
  • He has a ridiculous gait (waddles like a duck) ! (उसके पास एक हास्यास्पद चाल है (एक बतख की तरह waddles)!)

More Sentence

  • the easy gait of an athlete
  • Conine, gelseminine and sparteine all exert a paralysing effect on the terminations of the motor nerves, to the implication of which the weakened gait and other symptoms are due.
  • He walked with an awkward gait like a penguin.
  • Of the heart with her easy gait.
  • This lizard's flattened body structure and spraddled gait make this animal perfectly adapted for living in rock piles.
  • He has a ridiculous gait (waddles like a duck) !
  • She has a mincing gait.
  • He walks away, his gait unsteady.
  • The boy went off with a curious, shambling gait which told my surgical eyes that he was suffering from a weak spine.
  • Walk sideways with a step-to gait.
  • His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.It won't be as steep, but it will be easier as you become more accustomed to the gait of the horse.
  • The Basuto rides like a horse, with a long stride, and is noted for its inherent trippling gait.
  • He pulled himself together, looked round, screwing up his eyes, glanced at Prince Andrew, and, evidently not recognizing him, moved with his waddling gait to the porch.
  • In his gait and form and face nothing was discernibly more appropriate to Post Office clerks than to the nobility at large.
  • Leesa instantly recognized Rave’s graceful gait.