ancestry - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ancestry in Hindi
- वंशावली
- वंश
- पुरखे
- वंश परंपरा
- पितृ परंपरा
- कुल
- पितरावली
- कुल-परंपरा
ancestry Definition
- one's family or ethnic descent. ( किसी का परिवार या जातीय वंश। )
- the origin or background of something. ( किसी चीज की उत्पत्ति या पृष्ठभूमि। )
ancestry Example
- Closely related species will tend to share more characters through common ancestry than through independent evolution. ( बारीकी से संबंधित प्रजातियां स्वतंत्र विकास की तुलना में आम वंश के माध्यम से अधिक पात्रों को साझा करने की कोशिश करेंगी। )
- As we have often pointed out, similarity does not mean proof of common ancestry or evolutionary relatedness. ( जैसा कि हमने अक्सर बताया है, समानता का मतलब सामान्य वंशवाद या विकासवादी संबंधितता का प्रमाण नहीं है। )
- To a large extent, the linguistic classification corresponds to the historical records regarding the ancestry of East Asians. ( काफी हद तक, भाषाई वर्गीकरण पूर्वी एशियाइयों के पूर्वजों के बारे में ऐतिहासिक रिकॉर्ड से मेल खाता है। )
- Having been raised in an Italian ancestry family of ten children I thought I was pretty used to chaos. ( दस बच्चों के एक इतालवी पूर्वजों के परिवार में पाले जाने के बाद, मुझे लगा कि मैं बहुत अव्यवस्थित था। )
- Our closest relatives, the chimpanzee, the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee, and the gorilla share with us a common ancestry of genes and genome organization. ( हमारे करीबी रिश्तेदार, चिंपैंजी, बोनोबो या पैगी चिम्पांजी, और गोरिल्ला हमारे साथ जीन और जीनोम संगठन के एक सामान्य वंशज हैं। )
- Local legends and some native historians trace their ancestry to the biblical figure Yafith, the son of Noah. ( स्थानीय किंवदंतियों और कुछ देशी इतिहासकारों ने नूह के पुत्र याफिथ के बाइबिल के चित्र पर अपने वंश का पता लगाया है। )
- Evolution cannot be right because scientists do not agree on the mechanism for natural selection and ancestry of various species. ( विकास सही नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि वैज्ञानिक प्राकृतिक चयन और विभिन्न प्रजातियों की वंशावली के तंत्र पर सहमत नहीं हैं। )
- The result is a genealogist's dream, for not only does he sketch the families, he also records their ancestry and their ties to others in the county. ( परिणाम एक वंशावलीविद् का सपना है, न केवल वह परिवारों को स्केच करता है, बल्कि वह काउंटी में अपने वंश और दूसरों के साथ अपने संबंधों को भी रिकॉर्ड करता है। )
More Sentence
- Seen in this light, contemporary Taiwanese nationalism belongs to a political family with a well-established ancestry .
- A group of nomad families sharing a common ancestry is more likely to deal with the challenges of the desert.
- It has been in the Teen family and its ancestry since 1886.
- the ancestry of the rose is extremely complicated
- But it still sits in our DNA, one of many useless remnants testifying to our evolutionary ancestry .
- the book traces the ancestry of women's poetry
- It's hardly a big number - only about 1.5% of those claiming a specific ethnic ancestry named Scotch-Irish.
- Coalescent theory describes the genetic ancestry of a sample and provides the tools for the analysis of intraspecies molecular data.
- There's no acting in our family ancestry , so the path to it wasn't clear at all.
- So she has been following up her family ancestry .
- The bitterest pill to swallow for any Christian who attempts to ‘make peace’ with Darwin is the presumed animal ancestry of man.
- Today, any Jew - regardless of ethnic ancestry - who wishes to live in Israel is entitled to full and equal Israeli citizenship.
- The Davis and the Somes families traced their ancestry to Cape Ann's earliest settlers.
- Once they're gone, information about your ancestry along with interesting family lore is also gone forever unless the knowledge has been passed on to the next generation.
- This class is also called ‘tinkers’: whether this name has a common ancestry for both books or this is just a coincidence, I'm not sure.
- My father's family traces its ancestry there back 900 years.
- A criollo in Argentina is a person or a family descended from Spanish ancestry , in other words, no added mixture of non-Spanish blood.
- Many of these families traced their ancestry to the earliest English settlers of this country's oldest fishing port.
- Our teeth tell us something about our ancestry , ethnic background, and age, our environment and our health.
- Lastly, Feduccia advocated the notion that convergent evolution may make the ancestry of birds unknowable.
- These are aspects of the body that are claimed to be useless leftovers from our animal ancestry .
- Estimates of hybrid frequency are conservative because of the limited number of genetic markers available to characterize genetic ancestry .