fifty-fifty - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fifty-fifty in Hindi

  • समान


  • आधो आध
  • बराबर भागों में
  • समान भागों में

fifty-fifty Definition


  • the same in share or proportion; equal.


  • in two amounts or parts that are the same in size; equally.

fifty-fifty Example

  • His expression was a fifty-fifty mixture of pain and anger. (उनकी अभिव्यक्ति दर्द और क्रोध का पचास-पचास मिश्रण थी।)
  • The lady at the library bought 'em. We was fifty-fifty on that stuff. (पुस्तकालय की महिला ने उन्हें खरीदा। हम उस सामान पर पचास-पचास के थे।)
  • Gävle Goat must be dreading the imminent holiday and his fifty-fifty chance of destruction. (गैवले बकरी को आसन्न छुट्टी और विनाश के अपने पचास-पचास अवसरों से डरना चाहिए।)
  • My wife and I share the chores fifty-fifty. (मैं और मेरी पत्नी पचास-पचास काम करते हैं।)
  • Executing your dreams at forty or fifty," Pragnell says, "is just a bit too late. (चालीस या पचास की उम्र में अपने सपनों को साकार करना," प्रागनेल कहते हैं, "बस थोड़ी देर हो चुकी है।)

More Sentences

  • They say the chances of winning a coin toss is 50/50 but this isn’t actually true!
  • The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success.
  • She has a fifty-fifty chance of winning.
  • I used to repeat to myself that I'd be successful on the way to auditions, and my batting average was only fifty-fifty.
  • The proceeds of the sale are split fifty-fifty.
  • Fat Herman had been sole owner of the Hotsy until Jack Diamond decided to join him as a fifty-fifty partner.
  • As this means developing a new market, why don't we meet half way to bridge the gap on a fifty-fifty basis?
  • They divided the prize fifty-fifty.
  • We went fifty-fifty on a new TV set.
  • He gave the show a fifty-fifty chance of survival.
  • Let’s split this fifty-fifty.
  • We went fifty-fifty on the meal.
  • It looks like he has a 50/50 chance of winning the election.
  • This time the response was about fifty-fifty between positive and negative comment.
  • She has a fifty-fifty chance of winning