fidgety - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fidgety in Hindi
- बेचैन
- चंचल
- अधीर
- बेकल
- व्याकुल
fidgety Definition
- inclined to fidget; restless or uneasy.
fidgety Example
- I get nervous and fidgety at the dentist. ( मैं डेंटिस्ट के पास घबरा जाता हूं और बेचैन हो जाता हूं। )
- See what all with a revolting feeling , fidgety, become angry frequently. ( देखें कि क्या सभी एक विद्रोही भावना के साथ, व्याकुलता से, बार-बार क्रोधित हो जाते हैं। )
- No one suggested evening games and by the time the dishes were cleared, everyone was fidgety and ready to proceed but Quinn remained in his lab. ( किसी ने शाम के खेल का सुझाव नहीं दिया और जब तक बर्तन साफ हो गए, तब तक हर कोई बेचैन था और आगे बढ़ने के लिए तैयार था लेकिन क्विन अपनी प्रयोगशाला में ही रहा। )
- He was fidgety hands, legs, everything moving but there was something about his eyes. ( वह हाथ, पैर, सब कुछ हिल रहा था लेकिन उसकी आंखों के बारे में कुछ था। )
- Work to usually regret , irascibility, fidgety and pessimism, and is hard to control own motion. ( आमतौर पर पछताने, चिड़चिड़ेपन, चंचलता और निराशावाद के लिए काम करें, और अपनी गति को नियंत्रित करना कठिन है। )
- Is a fidgety person less likely to become a couch potato than a less fidgety person less likely to become a couch potato than a less fidgety person? ( क्या कम फिजूलखर्ची वाले व्यक्ति की तुलना में काउच पोटैटो बनने की संभावना कम होती है, कम फिजूलखर्ची वाले व्यक्ति की तुलना में काउच पोटैटो बनने की संभावना कम होती है? )
More Sentence
- If you're used a cigarette fairly regularly, your mouth will also feel a bit fidgety.
- But kids with Down syndrome also have sensory issues or feel fidgety, and many are unable to wear the mask for those or other reasons.
- Always could calm me down at fidgety night I can't image it.
- Lean people are more fidgety than their obese counterparts; this relationship is maintained even if normal weight people eat more or the obese person loses weight.
- Certainly not young folks, which explains why a paltry 7 percent of fidgety youth bother tuning in at all, putting it in line with rodeo viewership.
- Up above the house martins are gathering in a fidgety flock.
- The Puma cruises happily at rapid highway speeds, but the combination of road noise and a fidgety ride makes longer journeys wearing.
- People who sit in a red room become nervous, fidgety and unless distracted will eventually leave the room.
- Because the child is so fidgety, the teacher allows him to get up and walk around the room sometimes.
- I try to go to sleep again, but I ain't sleepy, and I get all fidgety.
- With the clocks moved forward an hour and daylight stretching past 12 hours, the annual phenomenon has arrived in full, fidgety force.
- Even the most laid back child will get fidgety if he has to ride in a carseat for very long.
- The fidgety suspect’s jittery behavior concerned detectives who thought his twitching might be a sign of guilt.
- He went to the floor, where members were joined by scores of fidgety children and grandchildren.
- Squirming in her chair, the anxious student acted like a fidgety five-year-old when taking the exam.
- I get too fidgety to sit after a few minutes in a waiting room.
- He was fidgety and in a dream world when being given instruction in a group.
- That fidgety girl keeps twisting her fingers and shaking her feet.
- The items were very restless; has difficulty staying seated for long; squirmy, fidgety child; cannot settle to anything for more than a few moments; and inattentive, easily distracted.
- She was dressed, and felt rather fidgety, but, at the same time, directionless.
- I think that with the pressure of world opinion it must be very easy to become introspective, fidgety and sometimes very obsessional.
- The children are getting fidgety; they are crying and in a miserable state.
- You get fidgety if you’ve nothing to do.
- DeSalvo said she came up with the idea after noticing how fidgety grade-school children were during library reading programs.
- He goes on to suggest that had they picked children who were charmless, fidgety and inarticulate the ratings would have plunged; and no producer likes to see his ratings fall.