fashionable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fashionable in Hindi
- फ़ैशनपरस्त
- शौक़ीन मिजाज़
- बनठाना
- लोकाचार के अनुरूप
- व्यवहारिक
- सुशील
- चलता
- सजीला
fashionable Definition
- characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or style.
fashionable Example
- they risked being scoffed at by their more fashionable friends (वे अपने अधिक फैशनेबल मित्रों द्वारा उपहास किए जाने का जोखिम उठाते थे)
- fashionable clothes (फैशनेबल कपड़े )
- She always wears fashionable clothes. (वह हमेशा फैशनेबल कपड़े पहनती हैं।)
- Tattoos are very fashionable among young people lately. (आजकल युवाओं में टैटू का चलन काफी बढ़ गया है।)
- I am very impressed with her fashionable dress. (मैं उनकी फैशनेबल ड्रेस से बहुत प्रभावित हूं।)
- We lunched in a fashionable restaurant. (हमने एक फैशनेबल रेस्टोरेंट में लंच किया।)
- It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again. (फिर से लंबे बाल रखना फैशन बन गया है।)
- It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans. (अपनी जींस के बॉटम्स को फ्राई करना फैशनेबल था।)
More sentences
- We ate at a fashionable new restaurant.
- It used to be fashionable to dock horses' tails.
- Chelsea Harbour is renowned for its fashionable restaurants.
- Turn-ups are becoming fashionable again.
- Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.
- I have a real weakness for fashionable clothes.
- I don't think it would be fashionable if I wore a ski mask.
- He looked to be about her age and his blond hair was neatly combed into a fashionable style.
- Now in ruins, was a fashionable pleasure resort.
- The influence of Barras with this fashionable lady helped on the match.