fibrous - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fibrous in Hindi
- रेशेदार
- तंतुमय
- रेशे का
- नसीला
- नसदार
- तन्तुयुक्त
- तंतु-ऊतक
- तंतूतक
fibrous Definition
- consisting of or characterized by fibers.
fibrous Example
- lignin is the fibrous material that gives wood its strength. ( लिग्निन रेशेदार पदार्थ है जो लकड़ी को उसकी ताकत देता है। )
- Fibrous tissue replaces this, the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar. ( रेशेदार ऊतक इसकी जगह लेते हैं, केशिकाएं ठीक हो जाती हैं और एक रैखिक निशान छोड़ने के लिए महीनों की अवधि में सिकुड़ जाती हैं। )
- This basis for a naturally fibrous (and therefore ' chewy ') texture has been exploited in the formulation of meat analogs. ( मांस के एनालॉग्स के निर्माण में स्वाभाविक रूप से रेशेदार (और इसलिए 'चबाने') बनावट के इस आधार का शोषण किया गया है। )
- Amyloidosis occurs when an abnormal protein becomes fibrous and becomes deposited in the heart muscle. ( अमाइलॉइडोसिस तब होता है जब एक असामान्य प्रोटीन रेशेदार हो जाता है और हृदय की मांसपेशियों में जमा हो जाता है। )
- A mineral compound, asbestos is the common name for a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals found in certain rock formations. ( एक खनिज यौगिक, अभ्रक कुछ रॉक संरचनाओं में पाए जाने वाले छह प्राकृतिक रूप से पाए जाने वाले रेशेदार खनिजों के समूह का सामान्य नाम है। )
- Wollastonite, a natural fibrous mineral, has a lot of excellent properties in the industrial application. ( वोलास्टोनाइट, एक प्राकृतिक रेशेदार खनिज, औद्योगिक अनुप्रयोग में बहुत सारे उत्कृष्ट गुण हैं। )
- The three nails are formed of dark fibrous tissue and are exceedingly sharp. ( तीन नाखून गहरे रेशेदार ऊतक से बने होते हैं और अत्यधिक नुकीले होते हैं। )
More Sentence
- This remedy has an affinity for fibrous tissues, joints and tendons.
- In the midline is the central tendon, the fibrous pericardium attaches to the superior aspect of this tendon.
- He had surgery to remove fibrous scar tissue in his knee.
- This means that large fibrous structures form near T m, whereas greater numbers of small spherulites grow at lower temperatures.
- These leaves pack a peppery punch, but can have a fibrous stem, so consider removing part of it before adding to salads (or sandwiches).
- Plants with a fibrous root system, creating plenty of organic matter, do most to improve the soil structure.
- Deep to these is the ovarian stroma, composed of fibrous tissue, and embedded in it are numerous nests of epithelial cells, the Graafian follicles, in various stages of development.
- Nearly 70 countries have banned asbestos, a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals.
- Brown, fibrous bread is frequently perceived as a primitive food, unfit for human consumption.
- When sifting is had recourse to, the fibrous matter should be rubbed through the meshes of the sieve along with the earthy particles.
- A fibrous tumor grew in my father’s brain, so the tedious surgery required the doctors to remove each elastic part of the tumor.
- Fibrous wall with dystrophic calcification consistent with cyst.
- Graceful water or marsh plants with hastate leaves, and tuberous, running and fibrous roots.
- The lungs fill up with fibrous tissue, which traps fluid in them.
- Diagnosis: Fibrous dysplasia of the skull.
- Contrary, too, to popular belief, he has found a fibrous structure more common in pyrite than in marcasite.
- It is tough and fibrous and is found in the stalks, skins and leaves of vegetables and fruit as well as the outer coating of grain.
- The saponification generated with the resin of fibrous materials.
- Rock-salt commonly occurs in cleavable masses, or sometimes in laminar, granular or fibrous forms, the finely fibrous variety being known as " hair-salt."
- The biggest beetroot in the world, it seems, is so tough and fibrous that it is fit only for chopping up and feeding to cattle.
- Cellophane is made of long,[] fibrous molecules.
- The hard fibrous ore of Cumberland is known as pencil ore, and is employed for the burnishers used by bookbinders and others.
- In order to protect the heart, a fibrous sac surrounds the organ so that the sac is not hard as a shell but is tough to tear.
- That’s largely because replicating the structure of chicken muscle — which has a fibrous quality, with strands that pull apart — is much harder than creating a ground meat lookalike.
- This is why the paper-maker is able to make a fibrous pulp for your morning paper from wood.