fetishism - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fetishism in Hindi
- अंधभक्ति
- वस्तुकामुकता
fetishism Definition
- a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc.
- worship of an inanimate object for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.
fetishism Example
- The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel’s Master – Slave dialectics. ( कमोडिटी फेटिशिज्म आधुनिक समाज का चरम है जिसे हेगेल के मास्टर - स्लेव डायलेक्टिक्स द्वारा पता लगाया गया है। )
- Morrison’s radical artistry angers leftist reviewers because he clearly is not lost in their world of white liberal blues fetishism and political condescension. ( मॉरिसन की कट्टरपंथी कलात्मकता वामपंथी समीक्षकों को नाराज करती है क्योंकि वह स्पष्ट रूप से श्वेत उदारवादी ब्लूज़ बुतवाद और राजनीतिक कृपालुता की दुनिया में नहीं खोए हैं। )
- Many people, especially in small countries like Sweden, indulge in what might be called a fetishism of the UNO. ( बहुत से लोग, विशेष रूप से स्वीडन जैसे छोटे देशों में, संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ का एक बुतवाद कहा जा सकता है। )
- The temple illustrates the animal fetishism that lies at the dark roots of Egyptian religion. ( मंदिर पशु बुतपरस्ती को दर्शाता है जो मिस्र के धर्म की गहरी जड़ों में निहित है। )
- The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret. ( कमोडिटी और उसके रहस्य का कामोत्तेजक। )
More Sentence
- One undercurrent of the biography is an oblique fetishism that wafted into Ray’s romantic relationships and work.
- Digital symbol Fetishism manifests itself in digital crime, digital virus, digital hacker, and digital indulgence, etc.
- Distinctively Besson embraces a certain fetishism of style, developing a film language that is essentially colored, highly stylized, energetic and mysterious.
- I’d say that I’ve been thinking a lot about how the American work ethic is a fetishism of work, the process of work, and not of the worker.
- Their fetishism was less a worship of various things than a use of the objects as charms and protections.
- The dialogue lands somewhere between hardcore bullet fetishism and perpetual irony.
- As wrong ideas, commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality.
- Today, the French maid's costume is one of the most popular forms of women's fantasywear and the occasional subject of sexual fetishism.
- He believes that shoe fetishism is almost ubiquitous among women.
- Oh, and the play’s about foot fetishism and master-slave role play, too.
- The banking system, inflated by British home fetishism and dodgy American loans, has experienced a trauma.
- While that show evoked the high drama of a Harlequin novel, Celine’s flirted openly with fetishism.
- When it comes to women's intimate anime apparel, role-playing and fetishism both come up.
- Fetishism of the Zui description is, indeed, the natural concomitant of a totemic system.
- She found out her husband had called a phone sex-line specializing in fetishism.
- The corrosiveness of commodity fetishism, the breakout of collective life, and the loss of the cultural critic and spiritual precursor, all of these become new crisis of postmodernism.
- In the world of liberal racism, the problem isn’t hate so much as it is unthinking and callous fetishism.