feign - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of feign in Hindi


  • बहाना करना
  • गढ़ना
  • छल करना
  • ढोंग करना
  • अनुमान करना
  • स्वांग करना
  • झूठा करना

feign Definition

  • pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).

feign Example

  • You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are. ( आप जानते हैं कि जब आप उन्हें बताते हैं कि आप कितने साल के हैं तो हर कोई आश्चर्यचकित हो जाता है। )
  • I wish you wouldn't feign illness on every first day of school. ( काश आप स्कूल के हर पहले दिन बीमारी का बहाना नहीं करते। )
  • The furious Frenchman accused him of feigning injury and refused to shake his hand. ( उग्र फ्रांसीसी ने उस पर चोट का नाटक करने का आरोप लगाया और हाथ मिलाने से इनकार कर दिया। )
  • There is also, as L. pointed out, very little effort to even feign otherwise. ( वहाँ भी है, जैसा कि एल ने बताया, अन्यथा दिखावा करने के लिए बहुत कम प्रयास। )
  • To feign your own death is cruel to those who love and know you. ( अपनी मौत का ढोंग करना उन लोगों के लिए क्रूर है जो आपसे प्यार करते हैं और आपको जानते हैं। )
  • Most people um and ah a bit, feigning modesty, when asked why their product is so good. ( जब उनसे पूछा गया कि उनका उत्पाद इतना अच्छा क्यों है, तो अधिकांश लोग नम्रता का ढोंग करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • On the former day they feign humanity and gentleness, in the hope of capturing the voice of the people.
  • My cousin would always feign excitement when we came to visit, but I knew she really didn't like sharing her room.
  • I used to moan and grumble and feign illness.
  • No one can feign shock when a nonagenarian shuffles off his mortal coil, but the magnitude of Sondheim’s death feels seismic.
  • I would simply feign an inability to decide which of two playthings I really wanted.
  • There are some things that men should discuss only with close friends because close friends love them enough to feign genuine interest in their fractured love life.
  • A final limitation in the methodology is the fact that there were two experimenters who feigned distress.
  • I would never feign a relationship with someone merely for personal gain.
  • The kids always feign sleep when I go in to check on them.
  • Reply to me by return of post, and do not feign ignorance.
  • It is difficult to determine whether such reasoning was genuine or feigned.
  • One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness.
  • Please don't always feign happiness with me, I want you to be genuine.
  • To feel, or feign, decorous woe.
  • Even Mr Lukashenko, like Mr Milosevic before him, feels compelled to feign democracy.
  • Damage reduction while feign death removed.
  • Some animal feign death when in danger.
  • Feign suggests false representation or fictitious fabrication.
  • They refuse marriage and even feign poverty!
  • Improved Feign Death ( Survival ): This talent has been replaced with Survival Tactics.
  • To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.
  • Republicans only really feign concern over the deficit when Democrats are in power.
  • Improved Feign Death renamed to Survival tactics and moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3.
  • A centrist stance I'll feign, The conclusion is foregone I'll go and side with Mitch McConnell And I'll con the folks in Maine.
  • Cake, but no singing, in the menfolk's absence (and presumed or feigned ignorance) was a reasoned and negotiated compromise.