fanatically - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fanatically in Hindi

  • कट्टरता से

fanatically Definition


  • having been described or distinguished: 

fanatically Example

  • The fierce mining population of the town was mainly German, and fanatically Catholic, in contrast with Prague, which was Czech and utraquist. ( शहर की भयंकर खनन आबादी मुख्य रूप से जर्मन थी, और कट्टर कैथोलिक, प्राग के विपरीत, जो चेक और यूट्राक्विस्ट था। )
  • He was fanatically devoted to the Constitution as he understood that document, and in his course during the war he was not, as his enemies asserted, trying to aid the Confederates, but merely desirous of restoring "the Union as it was." ( वह कट्टर रूप से संविधान के प्रति समर्पित था क्योंकि वह उस दस्तावेज़ को समझता था, और युद्ध के दौरान अपने पाठ्यक्रम में वह नहीं था, जैसा कि उसके दुश्मनों ने कहा, संघियों की सहायता करने की कोशिश कर रहा था, लेकिन केवल "संघ जैसा था" बहाल करने की इच्छा रखता था। )
  • It must be remembered that Nestorius was as orthodox at all events as Athanasius on the subject of the incarnation, and sincerely, even fanatically, held every article of the Nicene creed. ( यह याद रखना चाहिए कि अवतार के विषय पर अथानासियस के रूप में नेस्टोरियस सभी घटनाओं में रूढ़िवादी था, और ईमानदारी से, यहां तक ​​​​कि कट्टरता से, निकेन पंथ के हर लेख को धारण किया। )
  • How the Catholics of the west highlands took the change of creed we do not know, but they were not fanatically devout and attempted no Pilgrimage of Grace. ( पश्चिमी हाइलैंड्स के कैथोलिकों ने पंथ के परिवर्तन को कैसे लिया, हम नहीं जानते, लेकिन वे कट्टर रूप से भक्त नहीं थे और उन्होंने अनुग्रह की तीर्थयात्रा का प्रयास नहीं किया। )

More Sentence

  • By the treaty of Pressburg (1805) Tirol was transferred from Austria to Bavaria, and Hofer, who was almost fanatically devoted to the Austrian house, became conspicuous as a leader of the agitation against Bavarian rule.
  • His men were fanatically loyal, revering.
  • Apple really knows how to milk their fanatically loyal customer base with a $ 130 operating system upgrade every year.
  • A core of supporters remain fanatically loyal to the Marcos memory.
  • He was religious, but he was not fanatically religious at all,
  • Why are New Yorkers so fanatically loyal to President Clinton?
  • A fanatically enthusiastic following has sprung up around the cartoon.
  • Malone rides a Harley, hunts bears and cougars, lifts weights fanatically.
  • Local folks who are interviewed don't seem fanatically possessed by Nessie.
  • It's a brutally jaunty, fanatically fetishized, cartoon crime thriller.
  • First, I have to fanatically defend its independence.
  • These are people who are certainly devoted to Israel, but not fanatically.
  • He's so fanatically obsessed with religion, the synagogue and prayers.
  • It's difficult to see fanatically in a sentence .
  • Men must have prospected almost fanatically to find so propitious a site.
  • Abandoning the ancient Muscovite capital, where many influential personages were fanatically hostile to his innovations and not a few of the superstitious inhabitants regarded him with horror as Antichrist, he built at the mouth of the Neva a new capital which was to serve as " a window through which his people might look into Europe "; and laying aside the national St title of tsar he proclaimed himself (1711) emperor Peters- (Imperator) of all Russia - much to the surprise and indignation of foreign diplomatic chancelleries, which resented the audacity of a semi-barbarous potentate in claiming to be equal in rank with the head of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Models were healthy, but not as fanatically toned.