fan belt - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fan belt in Hindi
- पंखे की पेटी
fan belt Definition
- (in a motor-vehicle engine) a belt that transmits motion from the driveshaft to the radiator fan and the generator or alternator.
fan belt Example
- A quick fix for your car's broken fan belt : panty hose. ( आपकी कार के टूटे पंखे के बेल्ट के लिए एक त्वरित सुधार: पैंटी नली। )
- Instead of running off the fan belt, the new AC is electrically operated. ( नया एसी पंखे की बेल्ट को बंद करने के बजाय विद्युत से संचालित होता है। )
- It was like the old days at Warshawsky, only without the fan belts. ( यह वॉरशॉस्की में पुराने दिनों की तरह था, केवल पंखे की बेल्ट के बिना। )
- What the connection between that and spark plugs, oil filters and fan belts? ( उस और स्पार्क प्लग, तेल फिल्टर और पंखे की बेल्ट के बीच क्या संबंध है? )
More Sentence
- There, Assaf believed, a fan belt with his name on it awaited him.
- She tugged on the belt of his robe.
- He nodded, pointing to his belt buckle.
- He unfastened the belt around her waist and flung it into the darkness.
- The Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line encircles the two cities, and connects the various trunk lines.
- He waited while she buckled her seat belt and stashed her things.
- The next morning, Wade discovers that his fan belt is broken.
- On a train, if a fan belt breaks, you stop and fix it.
- Assaf literally hijacked Mirwis so he could replace the fan belt.
- You fixed broken fan belts with pantyhose and repaired gas-tank holes with bubble gum.
- It's difficult to see fan belt in a sentence .
- The power steering use an electric motor instead of mechanical energy delivered by fan belts.