diversified - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diversified in Hindi


  • विविध
  • तरह तरह का
  • नाना प्रकार का
  • मुक़्तलिफ़

diversified Definition


  • make or become more diverse or varied.

diversified Example

  • The surface is diversified by vales, meadows, sand-dunes and tidal marshes. ( सतह घाटियों, घास के मैदानों, रेत के टीलों और ज्वारीय दलदलों द्वारा विविध है। )
  • Inland are bare moors, diversified by narrow dales. ( अंतर्देशीय नंगे मूर हैं, जो संकीर्ण डेल्स द्वारा विविध हैं। )
  • It is here and there diversified by small hills. ( यह यहाँ और वहाँ छोटी पहाड़ियों द्वारा विविधतापूर्ण है। )
  • Kai’s diversified stock fund (KAI), shown in Figure 4. ( काई का डायवर्सिफाइड स्टॉक फंड (केएआई), चित्र 4 में दिखाया गया है। )
  • For a diversified portfolio of them, the SR is between 0. ( उनके विविध पोर्टफोलियो के लिए, SR 0 के बीच है। )

More Sentence

  • I can do this as the legacy portfolio is fully diversified.
  • A portfolio built on selling S&P options is not diversified.
  • It includes remaining an integrated, diversified public company.
  • Prospects from many of these eminences are extensive and diversified.
  • Walter has diversified enormously, owning well over 100 stocks currently.
  • Even in winter, however, its diversified plumage is sufficiently striking.
  • South and central Germany, on the other hand, is very much diversified in scenery.
  • The district is diversified with small lakes, as the Tiffs So.
  • This means the portfolio is not as diversified as it could and should be.
  • Home internet marketing businesses are as diversified as they are colorful.
  • We thus see that these naturalised plants are of a highly diversified nature.
  • Why not go further and think about being diversified across the global markets?
  • Many studies analyze a diversified basket of USD pairs instead of a ranking model.
  • - The Spiders are the most numerous and diversified group of the Arachnida; about 2000 species are known.
  • Throughout the whole of this vast area, their monotonous surfaces are diversified by only a few, and, for the most part, low, hilly tracts.
  • In India, where conditions are much more diversified and it is more difficult to induce the native cultivator to adopt new methods, attention has also been directed during recent years to the improvement of the existing races.
  • Well, this cartel has diversified its business into trading inside information on.
  • To manage tail risk, a diversified portfolio and better security selection are needed.
  • This is why investing in a basket of commodities can truly be a diversified portfolio.
  • In this widely-extended country, the pursuits of the people are various and diversified.
  • The island is beautifully diversified with hill and dale, and well watered with numerous small streams, of which the most considerable is the Tungkiang, falling into the harbour of Tinghai.