enjoy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of enjoy in Hindi
- का आनंद लें
- आनंद लेना
- रस लेना
- उपभोग करना
- लाभ उठाना
- प्रयोग भोगना
- उपयोग करना
- आनन्द लेना
- मनाना
- प्रसन्न होना
enjoy Definition
- take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
- possess and benefit from.
enjoy Example
- I could never enjoy myself, knowing you were in your room alone ( मैं खुद का आनंद कभी नहीं ले सका, यह जानकर कि आप अकेले अपने कमरे में थे )
- I still enjoy the competition, the work and the effort. ( मैं अभी भी प्रतियोगिता, काम और प्रयास का आनंद लेता हूं। )
- She seduces him, and they enjoy a rapturous summer idyll. ( वह उसे बहकाती है, और वे एक शानदार गर्मी की मूर्ति का आनंद लेते हैं। )
- Durell said she enjoys the unpretentious charm of minor league ball. ( ड्यूरेल ने कहा कि वह मामूली लीग गेंद के सरल आकर्षण का आनंद लेती है। )
More Sentence
- When it's all finished, kick back and enjoy.
- I hope you enjoy the lecture.
- You're beginning to enjoy it, aren't you?
- I enjoy traveling, especially to very different places.
- I know I'll enjoy being with my family – no matter where we go.
- They enjoy protections that millions of other workers used to share.
- Stein enjoys it enough to consider making a career of it.
- "We enjoy the fact we're the favorite.
- It's difficult to see enjoy in a sentence .
- We enjoy the fact that people are paying attention to us.
- the security forces enjoy legal immunity from prosecution