famished - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of famished in Hindi


  • भूखा
  • भूखों मरना

famished Definition


  • extremely hungry.

famished Example

  • the evacuees were famished, having had no food for 12 hours ( निकाले गए लोग भूख से मर रहे थे, 12 घंटे से खाना नहीं खा रहे थे )
  • Jackson awoke, famished; he once again had not fed all day. ( जैक्सन जागा, भूखा; उसने एक बार फिर पूरे दिन भोजन नहीं किया था। )
  • Suddenly he felt famished.  ( अचानक उसे भूख लगी। )
  • Domino's Pizza chain is an excellent choice for many famished pizza patrons. ( कई प्रसिद्ध पिज़्ज़ा संरक्षकों के लिए डोमिनोज़ पिज़्ज़ा श्रृंखला एक उत्कृष्ट विकल्प है। )

More Sentence

  • My neighbor asked me if I had been out building something, to get so famished.
  • Weak and famished, he hardly wanted to eat the fatted calf when the vision was over.
  • But when the rainy season has set in upon the advancing enemy, they have watched their opportunity to make excursions and vent their rage; the famished invaders have either become their prisoners or been put to death.
  • Esau came in from the field, and he was famished.
  • Although I was famished I had a hard time eating.
  • In effect, I was famished and extremely thirsty.
  • But in the meantime we are famished with hunger.
  • This short is a companion to The Famished Trilogy.
  • We were both famished and set out to raze the food.
  • It can be disappointing to show up at a restaurant, famished for dinner, and find out that the maître d' refuses to seat you because you're not wearing a tie.
  • About mid-day we were absolutely famished again, and an S.O.S. was sent to H.Q. for sandwiches and hot drinks.
  • Famished persons are liable to morbid excite ment, and fall into imaginative ecstasies, in the course of which they see visions and spectres, converse with gods and angels, and are the recipients of supernatural revelations.
  • Hence, overeating is less likely to occur as so often happens when famished at mealtime.