fairy tale - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fairy tale in Hindi
- परी कथा
- कहानी
- कल्पना
- गपोड़ा
- झूठी कहानी
- झूठ
fairy tale Definition
- a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
fairy tale Example
- On a night of glamour, you want everything to be fairy-tale perfect. ( ग्लैमर की रात में, आप चाहते हैं कि सब कुछ परियों की कहानी में परिपूर्ण हो। )
- Think fairy-tale inspired dresses featuring airy materials, shimmering fabrics, and even sparkles-though always in good taste. ( परी-कथा से प्रेरित पोशाकों के बारे में सोचें जिनमें हवादार सामग्री, झिलमिलाते कपड़े और यहां तक कि निखर उठती हैं-हालांकि हमेशा अच्छे स्वाद में होती हैं। )
- Who else knows about your little fairy tale? ( आपकी छोटी परी कथा के बारे में और कौन जानता है? )
- The subsequent adventures differ widely: in the Lanzelet he ultimately reconquers his kingdom, and, with his wife Iblis, reigns over it in peace, both living to see their children's children, and dying on the same day, in good old fairy-tale fashion. ( बाद के रोमांच व्यापक रूप से भिन्न हैं: लैंज़ेलेट में वह अंततः अपने राज्य को फिर से जीत लेता है, और, अपनी पत्नी इब्लिस के साथ, शांति से उस पर शासन करता है, दोनों अपने बच्चों के बच्चों को देखने के लिए जीवित रहते हैं, और उसी दिन मरते हैं, अच्छे पुराने परी-कथा फैशन में . )
More Sentence
- He carried the humour and sub-acidity of discrimination which marked his criticism of fellow folk-lorists into the discussion of purely literary subjects in his Books and Bookmen (1886), Letters to Dead Authors (1886), Letters on Literature (1889), &c. His Blue Fairy Tale Book (1889), beautifully produced and illustrated, was followed annually at Christmas by a book of fairy tales and romances drawn from many sources.
- For I had learnt a fairytale love that always has a tragic.
- A relationship with a narcissist may start out as a fairytale, but the.
- The fairytale Myth is that this Mausoleum was evidence of a living love.
- So I just told you a fairytale that I read a few days ago, nothing more.
- The symbols of that film are a fairytale whitewashing of America’s past.
- It was about three stories high and looked like something out of a fairytale.
- Rex smiled She wants a fairytale wedding and that’s what I’m giving her.
- A realization that the fairytale life we had been leading ended so very abruptly.
- You don’t have to worry about the fairytale ending anymore… it’s guaranteed.
- As far as the solar system knows the story I just told you is a complete fairytale.
- Little People, a staple of the Fisher-Price line, has grown with leaps and bounds to include culturally diverse characters, fairy tale themes and toys that grow with your child.
- Everything he described could, as Quinn so succinctly put it, be a mind constructed fairy tale.
- Compare the mere fairy-tale mystery of Lohengrin's command that Elsa shall never ask to know his name, with the profound fatalism of Isolde's love-potion.
- The heroes of Homer are hardly more moral agents than the giants and enchanters of a fairy tale.