eyebrow - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of eyebrow in Hindi
- भौं
- भौंह
- भृकुटी
eyebrow Definition
- the strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person's eye socket.
eyebrow Example
- She raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall. ( उसने एक भौं उठाई और दीवार के खिलाफ झुक गई। )
- She raised an eyebrow at him. ( उसने उस पर एक भौं उठाई। )
- She raised an eyebrow at Adrienne. ( उसने एड्रिएन पर एक भौं उठाई। )
- He raised an eyebrow, his chin lifting in what she recognized as a look very close to commanding. ( उसने एक भौं उठाई, उसकी ठुड्डी ऊपर उठी जिसे उसने कमांडिंग के बहुत करीब के रूप में पहचाना। )
More Sentence
- He said nothing, and she raised an eyebrow.
- Jenn raised an eyebrow but didn't ask to accompany him this time.
- Eyebrows rose when she appeared in pantyhose ads featuring her legs.
- At the same time the announcement raised a number of eyebrows.
- The giveaway was when those red eyebrows shot upward, though.
- Eyebrows have arched throughout baseball, even in the Texas camp.
- The about-face raised a few eyebrows among money managers.
- Success is a lift of an eyebrow with a question mark.
- Jimmy looks at Cloutier in the mirror and raises one eyebrow.
- The handout would hardly raise an eyebrow in the Middle East.
- Blue cheeks and heavy eyebrows lend menace to his predominant scowl.
- His eyebrows, always arched, rose practically to his hairline.
- It's difficult to see eyebrow in a sentence .
- He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms again.
- The nurse raised an eyebrow but didn't jump at his sharp tone.
- In all essentials they agree with the African type: such variations as there are, for example, the more developed eyebrow ridges, narrower, often prominent nose, and somewhat higher narrower skull, obviously owing their existence to crossing with the Malay or the Polynesian races.
- Yes, goth girls can feel comfortable getting pampered, so no need to avoid the beauty salon for a little eyebrow shaping.