extravagantly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of extravagantly in Hindi

  • असाधारण रूप से
  • उच्छृंखलता से
  • असंयम से
  • अधिकता से
  • शान से
  • अतिव्यय से

extravagantly Definition


  • with a lack of restraint in spending money or using resources.

extravagantly Example

  • he lived extravagantly and fell deeply into debt ( वह फालतू में जीया और कर्ज में डूब गया )
  • he was extravagantly admired for his versatility ( उनकी बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के लिए उनकी असाधारण रूप से प्रशंसा की गई थी )
  • She always sent extravagant gifts to her daughter. ( वह हमेशा अपनी बेटी को असाधारण उपहार भेजती थी। )
  • His extravagant pretensions only served to excite ridicule. ( उनके असाधारण ढोंग ने केवल उपहास को उत्तेजित करने का काम किया। )

More Sentence

  • The couple lived a very simple life with no need for extravagant purchases.
  • Well, don't get too extravagant.
  • His new log home was nice, but not extravagant.
  • There is always somebody at home behind the extravagantly stylized gestures.
  • After all, Ferren is a master of extravagantly engineered habitats.
  • She spent extravagantly, both on herself and upon her confidants.
  • He was extravagantly mourned following his early death from liver cancer.
  • She dressed extravagantly with bright and colourful designs on her dress.
  • When Spark joins his friend Fantasio talks extravagantly of his feelings.
  • As extravagantly produced as " Raise the Red Lantern,"
  • A man at a table spotted him and waved extravagantly.
  • If it's extravagantly glitzy, it's still entertaining.
  • It's difficult to see extravagantly in a sentence .
  • Along the way, he has been critically hailed and extravagantly blurbed.
  • These can be very simple or extremely extravagant.
  • Don't you think that's a little extravagant?
  • Drury lost his only daughter, and in 1611 Donne published an extravagant elegy on her, entitled An Anatomy of the World, to which he added in 1612 a Progress of the Soul on the same subject; he threatened to celebrate the "blessed Maid," Elizabeth Drury, in a fresh elegy on each anniversary of her death, but he happily refrained from the third occasion onwards.
  • He was extravagant in denunciation, and developed a Zwinglian view of the Eucharist.
  • At the same time, while accepting the Schellingian parallelistic identity of all things in God, Fechner was restrained by his accurate knowledge of physics from the extravagant construction of Nature, which had failed in the hands of Schelling and Hegel.
  • as a child, Mozart was extravagantly praised
  • extravagantly decorated ceilings painted with stars and angels