extravagant - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of extravagant in Hindi

  • फिजूलखर्ची


  • असाधारण
  • ग़ैरमामूली
  • अत्यधिक
  • उच्छृंखल
  • अपव्ययी
  • उड़ाऊ
  • फ़िजूल ख़र्च

extravagant Definition


  • lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.

extravagant Example

  • extravagant gifts like computer games ( कंप्यूटर गेम जैसे असाधारण उपहार )
  • extravagant claims for its effectiveness ( इसकी प्रभावशीलता के लिए असाधारण दावे )
  • She always sent extravagant gifts to her daughter. ( वह हमेशा अपनी बेटी को असाधारण उपहार भेजती थी। )
  • His extravagant pretensions only served to excite ridicule. ( उनके असाधारण ढोंग ने केवल उपहास को उत्तेजित करने का काम किया। )

More Sentence

  • The couple lived a very simple life with no need for extravagant purchases.
  • Well, don't get too extravagant.
  • His new log home was nice, but not extravagant.
  • These can be very simple or extremely extravagant.
  • Don't you think that's a little extravagant?
  • However, adaptationists, and even optimality theorists, have made no such extravagant claims.
  • Drury lost his only daughter, and in 1611 Donne published an extravagant elegy on her, entitled An Anatomy of the World, to which he added in 1612 a Progress of the Soul on the same subject; he threatened to celebrate the "blessed Maid," Elizabeth Drury, in a fresh elegy on each anniversary of her death, but he happily refrained from the third occasion onwards.
  • He was extravagant in denunciation, and developed a Zwinglian view of the Eucharist.
  • it was rather extravagant to buy both